Hey from New Delhi....

Yep I’ve been here since last Wednesday…

What a complete fucking nutjob of a place this is…I don’t even know where to start…lol

I had to get 5 shots for seven different diseases that I might get here…I am also taking anti-malaria pills and covering myself with Deep Woods OFF every day…

Infrastructure…works most of the time…power goes out randomly several times each day and more often at night…Internet works some times…cell phone goes in and out randomly…water runs fast/slow then scalding hot/ice cold…

Driving…wouldn’t even try it…most roads have no lane markers…lanes are created and dropped dynamically as the road narrows and widens…all depends upon how many cars/cows/bikes/pigs/wild dogs can fit in the lane with about 1" clearance between them…basically, if you see a space in front of you that you think your car might fit in, honk your horn and go…

Seems to be basically two classes of people here…the relatively affluent (like the engineers working here at our company) and the dirt poor…if you are unlucky enough to have to stop while driving, a poor little child will come up and bang on your window with their little tin cup and cry and moan in Hindu (I am assuming they are telling me that they are hungry)…if you open the window to give them some cash, you risk causing a catastrophe…they will ALL come running over to your car and you might even get it overturned if you are lucky…

Security/terrorism…every time your car needs to leave the street to pull into any building there are armed guards who need to see inside the car, in the trunk, under the hood, and under the car with a mirror…as you enter any building, your bag must be opened and searched and you must pass through a metal detector.

I made the mistake of needing to use the restroom here at work the other day…luckily I was prepared and brought a small pack of travel wipes with me…no toilet paper in the men’s room and no soap to wash your hands with…and this is a relatively new, modern office building…just wonderful…

Everything here tastes bad to me…even easy stuff like eggs and toast…just doesn’t taste quite right…

I was sent here to build three SAP/AutoDesk Integration servers for the SAP/PDM module. They have still not supplied the proper PC/software setup I need to finish the third server that I came here to build…The first two are done, the third one requires the AutoDesk installed…WITH A WORKING FUCKING LICENSE…which they can’t quite seem to handle???

I will be leaving Tuesday evening come hell or high water, finished or not…I can’t wait to get out of here!!!

wow sounds crazy. Good luck

Have fun!

I went to Mumbai a couple years ago. I wouldn’t attempt to drive there - it is absolutely crazy. I liked driving on the highway. Whenever 2 trucks were driving the same speed, you beep the horn, the trucks move apart so you can pass them in the middle of the highway. And there was occasional contact in the cities but, hey, rubbin’s racin’. :rofl:

I was there for a wedding, not business, so my experience was a little bit different. We spent a lot of time with families of my friend and his wife, in their homes, and visitors are considered a blessing. So every meal, for instance, they would wait on us and make sure we had enough to eat and then go have their own meals.

I can’t imagine how hot it is in the summer. We were there in December/January and it was over 90 every day. It was still cool in comparison to summer and we even saw a couple people wearing ski jackets and hats. haha.

We didn’t have the security issue. Maybe because we were further south or because of the hotel bombings last year?

Hindu is a religion…Hindi is a language :slight_smile: My family is from India, so I guess I’m just used to it. If you walk around watch out for cow poop. Also, if you’re going to buy anything from anyone, make sure you first offer 1/3 of whatever they are asking. They will double and sometimes triple the price for goods. Don’t drink anything but bottled water or soda. That weird taste of food is just the taste of food without preservatives…haha Riksha’s are fun, and driving isn’t so bad once you realize ppl will actually move out of your way, its kinda like walking in a crowd :smiley:

bring me curry
just picked grape leaves.
also goes good on kibby

goes good on arabic food.

Have a good flight home, Mike.