Driving Through Traffic in Iraq

I would love to do this in the states


This is a video of a Humvee driving through Iraqi traffic. In order to avoid insurgent attacks they cant stop or slow down, even if that requires some improvised driving.

nice… traffic moves for them, then again I would also

Do what you have to do to avoid getting blown up I guess.

How many of those people that got rear ended do you think would call in a tip about an insurgent hideout though?

why the hell can they drive like that? thats crazy

We drove that way because :

  • its harder for the fucks to correctly time a IED detonation if we are moving faster
  • its harder for a sniper to pick me off in the gunners turret when i am moving instead of sitting stationary
  • moving by traffic faster = less exposure next to a potential suicide car bomber who’s waving at me smiling giving me the :tup:
  • avoid getting stuck in an ambush
  • quicker to get out of hot zone when daisy chained IEDs go off and you just need to get the fuck out of there
    That vid is pretty standard for how you have to drive there, and ive had situations where our driver drove alot worse then that and smashed the fuck out of some morons that wouldnt move.


not like i was there, but my buddy told me the exact same thing. He drove the hummers, but he told me it was worse then that even

wow rather impressive actually

Very impressive. Didn’t know this is how it worked over there but it’s cool to see that we are doing what is needed and alot of people there seem to know how it goes down.

and besides if they refuse to move its not like you dont have a grenade launcher

are those automatic?

the best is when he bumped the friggin bus out of the way

ugh no thank you. I would love to play grand theft auto in that traffic but man I wouldn’t want to be bracing for an IED every second of the day. I think my asshole would be so tight I wouldn’t be able to shit for weeks

you get over it after a while…sort of. when i first got there, every piece of trash and dead dog on the side of the road was an IED :ohnoes:

Hmm but now that you mention it, maybe thats why i didnt poop for so long when i was there?

if people ran infront it was cool to just plow em over right?? sry if this offends anyone but i would personnaly just nail em.

my buddy uxsed to ram shit in his humvee all the time

Is there a legal binding law in Iraq that you’re supposed to move for U.S. military vehicles?

Imagine driving to work/class in the morning down your local neighborhood street and having another country’s military vehicle ram you to get out of the way after they just rammed the last 10 cars behind you. Now imagine that this isn’t just a one-time occurance and it has happened to you or maybe some of your good friends and it has been an on-going thing for the last few years.

Do you think the United States would react differently if we were in Iraq’s shoes right now? Because I’m willing to bet that some people on this forum would be tossing rpg’s at said vehicles.

I support the troops fighting overseas 100%, you gotta do what you gotta do. This is just a thought experiment.

fuck it. id drive worse then that.

I agree, on one side you have to do what you have to do. The everyday actions of SOME of our troops who get fed up with life over there probably fuel alot of aggression. After all we are all inhabiting this same planet. It sucks when your every day life is disrupted. How annoying is it to move for an ambulance…and they don’t ram you :stuck_out_tongue:

i dont agree because do you think americans would be setting IEDs up and snipering them? they are moving to stay alive.

too much information :wink: