OFF-TOPIC: Orleans, Ontario

Hey Guys,

Sorry for the off topic but you guys would be the ones to ask. Now i know this isn’t south, it’s more NEO territory but i don’t feel like joining just to ask a simple question. And that question is:

Is there anything i should check out in Orlean’s Ontario?? i’m up for a week with family for xmas and don’t have the sweetest clue what to do with myself for that time.

THanks guys,

my suggesting is find a truck and go blast through the snow, if there is any… otherwise find some cool roads, theres always cool roads in northern ontario.

nothing really all that special there…

but you shuld make an attempt to stop at lonestar just off of st laurent exit on the 417( queensway)

Take a rip up through Gateneau if there’s no snow there… There’s none up here, so I doubt Ottawa has any…

Come on man

Place D’Orleans?

It’s a mall. I was there … ohhh … about 15 years ago. I think.

It’s good cheap car territory though. When I was younger I used to buy a lot of cars out that way.

Eh not really anything special about this place, super quiet, not really anything to do.