Who Knows Of Good Drifting Roads Guelph, Ont

hi im just making a post to see if their are any SON members who live around the guelph area who know of some good driftin roads. i know of one really good road that was just built behind my subdivision. no houses are built on it yet. its AWESOME!!! :D. anyways post your good spots:). mine is around the new tim hortons in guelph. the track/road is just off woodlawn rd N. ill attach a map, but the map doesnt show the roads, because they are too new. also they are fully paved, with curbs on either sides… lemme know thx.

i cant upload the pic, but if you go down victoria rd N, turn right on simmonds rd, and justgo straight and it will bring you tp the new roads. lemme know what you guys think of it if any of yous decide to stop by.

directions are solid, never taking my s13 near there.

Wow, of course you would have a name like acuraintegra…

Nows the time I hope theres cops on here.

lol its a trap!

15 Wyndham St. South
Guelph, Ontario


DEFINATELY look it up guy!

edit: hopefully someone gets it

lol, keep posting spots…I ain’t reaching Guelph anytime soon :wink:

somebody phone it in

or cross your fingers that he bangs the car up good

ha… google

I can’t believe this thread happened.