***offical lasertron meets***

wow…you people suck…how is lasertron not fun for people… i like winning tickets at the arcade and getting bouncy balls to use as “gernades” :lol:

did u get lasertron suprise?

its fun but not $20/30 min fun

Its a good time, but its best when you can do the gocarts too.

Id be in, but then i would require a mandatory mighty taco run afterwords


I bet you like it in the dark! :gay:

i was thinking sometime in january

ok everytime i see this thread i want to go more and more. i know theres more of you out there that want to get down on this, dont hide your true feelings…




just give me the best days that you guys are not busy and will go from there, i will start a new thread with dates to vote for, as soon as i get a good idea of dates. if anyone wants to help plan this pm me. o and if we get enough people group rates ftw. i need 20 people for the pizza and wing deal. so post up

On a saturday or sunday would be preferred by me :slight_smile:

weekend of the 18th…and i would probally have like 5 or 6 people with me

i’d do it.

is the weekend of the 18th ok with everyone? if so then let’s get this thing in and going! also i have this thing about using phones i hate talking to people that i don’t know so if someone could just make the rezervation i’ll do all the leg work.

sounds like a god damn cheat code, meh what the hell this could be fun
kind of like counter-strike i guess but with no knives and lasers.

it is mad fun but if the refs. see u run then u get a talking to. my advise to anyone like me that runs when i am there avoid the refs.
p.s. i heard that there is leagues

its called extreme speedwalking FTW

i might be in for this fag shit