Just wondering here who does work on your car, maintance, swaps, repairs, upgrades, etc…
I’ve done everything on all my cars right down to specing out parts. Only thing I’ve not done myself is some Carb tunning, important machine work and the last 5 oil changes on my Camry…
ive done everything myself and very proud of its. except for machine work and tuning, i would like to get into self tuning but for right now ill leave it up to soemone who knows alittle more about it.
with the mustang…the wife and i do everything with the exception of the block machining and assembly…mostly because the lack of tools/experience to do that job…
with the maxima, that bish goes to the dealer. 4 yr warranty ftmfw.
i do allthe swaps/ brakes/ components and upgrades n all that on my own cars, but for shit like oil changes on my DD i have a shop do it cuz really its not worth my time to not pay $15 for an oil change
i used to try and do as much as i could myself. now, i dont even touch my car. Pontiac takes care of that for me. once its outta warranty, i’ll start doing stuff myself.