i searched :meh2:
what country is that?
locutus wishes he was teh 7334 haxor
EDIT: Nikuk is fast.
hahaha, holy shit
can’t say that I haven’t been close to that point at times though
haha the one guy rocked him in the face twice
that was pretty motivational.
I love that all the men in the office did nothing even after he slams that monitor on that chicks desk and it lands on her. That was like the perfect oppurtunity to wreck somebody with just cause.
ya know, I thought the same thing. Especially when the one guy was trying to take him down. The whole office should of jumped on him.
I bet he felt a lot better after that though :lol:
What started it? I don’t have audio here
The one with audio starts like halfway into the ordeal.
i’d like to see more broads get hit with monitors.
what is the thing he tries to unsuccessfully break from :51-:59?
Also: it’s almost more interesting to very carefully watch peoples reactions and body language.
A bunch of spectators.
People suck.
The video with sound… is that a taser i hear? Is that why Mr. Spaz curls up in the fetal position?
Damn it feels good to be a gangster.
Security Cam
Cell Cam + Audio
you’re kidding right?