Office Xmas gifts

My office secretary retired about 2 months ago. I’m hoping they dont get a replacement for a few weeks yet so i can avoid all this crap. Boss will probaly get a lowe’s card or something as he just bought a new house.

Your personal resignation letter would probably be the best gift they could ever get :stuck_out_tongue:

Booze FTW


I am the only other guy in the office, thanks for the useful suggestion…


Its only cause I love ya… :wink:

If they’re coffee drinkers, the gift certificates for Timmy Ho’s would be a good idea. Wine might be a little much both price and pushing the limit.

Stick with Kristen’s suggestions, candles or Bath n Body Works stuff.

scratch offs are good. We always go a gife exchange too. But then Ill do little things for the ppl I do like.

I think it’s a large corporation thing… but nobody gets anything for anybody.
