Gifts for Guys-Girl ISO Manly advice

For being a chick, I completely suck at this whole Christmas thing. Without fail, every year I go into a complete panic when thinking of Christmas gifts to buy.

I desperately need ideas for my fiance.

Problem is he doesn’t really have any hobbies or specific interests so it makes gift shopping particularly difficult.

He’s 33. Runs his own construction business but just got his very first 9-5 office job doing computer programing type stuff. He’s pretty fashion forward without being all metro-sexual. Not too into misc. electronic gadgets.

I loaded him up on all sorts of Dewalt bags/tools etc. last year. And got an Xbox 2 years prior that he never even touched. I don’t have tons of money to spend this year but any thoughts or ideas would be ridiculously appreciated.

One of those coupon books of sexual favors?


Trial membership to a kickboxing gym to make him into a real man.

Really though, I’d just ask him. No girl I’ve ever been with has known what to get me, and when they ask me I always end up with something good. Get him whatever he asks (or hints towards) along with a card and then something small (maybe something food related - guys love food).

When I ask, all I get is, “Be creative.”…which does not help. That or he tells me, “Nothing.”…which sucks because his side of the family isn’t really into gift giving so when special occasions roll around he never really gets anything. But he’s always a great gift giver. So I always feel like I really do need to “be creative” with him but I suck at it.

Really Slick watch…probably with a metallic band.
Dress shirts for work
Tools (He’ll love them even if he has no use for them)
+1 For food

watches are awesome

if hes fashion forward, get him clothes/shoes

If he’s going from construction to an office job, he can use officewear. Dress shirts/button downs, polos, khakis, dress pants, dress socks & shoes, belts. No one wants to wear the same shit to the office all the time. Plus “girl-approved” combinations always help for confirmation even if you are decently fashion-forward.

Good watch websites/brands that won’t cost me an arm and a leg? Maybe just an arm?
I know he’s always oogling over square watch faces.

get him a remote car starter

Awesome idea. I think he actually mentioned this before.

Being a girl:smash2: what do I look for? Any brands or whatever that are a no-no?

Maybe a silver watch with a square face and a blue dial. Can’t go wrong there.

Don’t forget the food. My dad is the hardest person to shop for in the universe, one year I just got him an enormous basket of easy-to-make food and he loved it.

At the very least, food will be a gift he’ll definitely end up using.

Also, anal.

edit: For remote starts, anything plain and non girly. So simple construction, rugged, no designs, smallish, not embarrassing to show to friends.

seiko makes a great watch and they are reasonably priced

double post.

Ok. So I’ll add anal as a stocking stuffer…next idea please.

“WHEN Charla Muller told her friends what she was giving her husband Brad for his 40th birthday, she was met with a variety of responses - none remotely positive.”

Yeah he’d love that, but with a 2 year old who despises sleep that gift is nearly impossible to follow through with and is also the reason why we now have said 2 year old.

my dad has one of the skeleton ones (not sure the actual model). If he has an office job a watch is always a great accessory. For shirts I like the Stafford Fitted shirts from JCPenney. They seems to have a small color selection but they are nice. Sweaters I kinda like the Express Men’s sweaters, they are a little pricey and most are dry clean only. Desk accessories, maybe a nice model car of his favorite make, like the ones the guy had in Tommy Boy. Northface (or similar) jacket if he needs one.

first thing I thought of is sex coupons…