Office Xmas gifts

what are you buying for people in your office?

I need some ideas

timmy ho’s coups

so you’re going to overthrow the management of tim hortons stores for them? thats very thoughtful, free coffee

I’m not looking to kiss ass to my boss or anything, just something thoughtful for the staff.

There are only 7 people at my office

Wine, Cigars??



Or is it already a sausage fest at the office?

Pretty much anything from Thinkgeek.




Or is it already a sausage fest at the office?


I am the only other guy in the office, thanks for the useful suggestion…

Buying something personal for your bosses is really good. Getting your bosses something generic is better than not getting them anything at all, but is still :gotme:

I intend on getting my one boss a vo2 test at UB, as he is a marathon runner and I know he is dying to have his vo2 levels tested.

Thinkgeek is also very fun.

bottle of alcohol. just be sure nobody is an alcoholic… that could backfire…

cubewarefare goodies…

i fucking hate christmas at work… adds like $100 to my gift buying budget for nothing really.

Regardless, wine is good, movie/show tickets, sports games etc.

depends how well you know the people I guess.

Red swingline staplers for everyone!

I’m not sure if we’re even allowed to say happy holidays here. Last year we had a non-denominational holiday party. Fair enough. Lotsa people from lotsa backgrounds around here. This year we are having a “Celebrate the New Year” part in the middle of January. Yay.


i fucking hate christmas at work… adds like $100 to my gift buying budget for nothing really.

Regardless, wine is good, movie/show tickets, sports games etc.

depends how well you know the people I guess.


I will probably do wine,

chino (scrooge) Its about giving not recieving


I will probably do wine,

chino (scrooge) Its about giving not recieving


lmao… its not that, it is just a total waste for everyone since no one gets thoughtful gifts. People don’t really know the people they work with so they never get anything good.

The only people that have worthwhile gift exchanges are people with their secretaries because they know their entire life for the most part.

bath n body christmas candles…yankee candles…

In before 93dx–hatch gets fired for sexual harassment for giving wine to all the girls he works with in an obvious attempt to get them drunk and into the sack. :ohnoes:

dildo bike

but seriously

I dunno if my office even is allowed to do anything.

Just do a gift exchange between everyone, just dont buy an ipod…

wine makes a perfect holiday gift for people you aren’t very close with or like kristen said…Candles are always good as long as they don’t smell nasty lol