unless we trade him. Thats what the article implies. I think max is spent here, and a change will do a load of good to his carrear IMO. I personally think him and Al should be dealt this offseason. Also I would like to see this team not sign Kalinin, which I believe will happen. Bring in some leadership and maybe a top 4 defensemen or 2 and I think they are back into the mix.

oh if they dont sign kalinin i will be so happy. last i heard they wanted to keep him

He is just horrible I hope they just let him go.

when you say “Al” i really hope you’re not referring to Kotalik…

i can see why some people want Max gone, but Kotalik too? c’mon now…

kotalik is a good player. id def keep him.


23 goals is nothing to sneeze at. kotalik has had a moderately productive 3 years for what his contract is… a slightly above average salary for a slightly above average shot, and definite above average goal production on the power play. if only he would play the body like his frame would allow him to, i would really like him. right now, i am just indifferent.

I have to disagree with you guys about kalinin. I wasn’t a fan of his in previous years. However this year I think he stepped up and put in a solid effort, improving as the season went on. obviously injuries plagued us and him, but all in all i was happy with his improvement sans injuries


Poor coaching is the only reason Kalinin stumbled at the end of the season before getting hurt. He and Pratt were a VERY solid defensive pairing and then Ruff decided to break them up to put Paetche with Pratt. This after everyone who knew anything about Sabres hockey had been saying for months how amazingly better Kalinin was after matching him with Pratt.

One more reason I want a coaching change.

so all the number of errors that resulted in goals is ok?? i dont think so… every time he is out on the ice he is a liability IMO

  • 2 he just hasn’t improved much at all.He makes alot of stupid moves that cost us. I think hed do much better elsewhere.


yea seriously lol. Weber and Sekera have shown they can be consistent good defense men, that will grow into great defense men. Kalinin has been with us forever and just seems to be the same, below average defense men that makes poor decisions.

i guess we’ll have to agree to disagree, i thought he showed improvement this year



Anyone watching the Nat’l Championship? Gerbe has torn up the Frozen Four.

i havent been on here in 2 months and noone bumped this back up announcing the signing of Gerbe??? hopefully its somewhere else and i missed it…

gerbe becomes the second theo fleury impersonator to crack the NHL in as many years lol

there is an offseason thread… thats why

n00b loser.



a pic of the ice