Official 07-08 Penguins Thread

If eaton stays healthy…our D will be MUCH better…and i agree with those D lines ^^^…Eaton FTMFW

I suppose you’re right—actually totally right—Joe Melichar is probably the worst defensemen ever to wear a Penguin sweater!

i dunno about that, but possibly to be the worst to ever wear a sweater with the ‘A’ on it

Yep St Louis 3 yr deal for 6 Mil/year…I dunno about that one.

Details on Whitney’s deal:
2007-2008 2.5 Mil
2008-2009 3 Mil
2009-2010 3.5 Mil
2010-2011 4.5 Mil
2011-2012 5 Mil
2012-2013 5.5 Mil

I wonder on what it is going to be like in 2012…with all these young guns starting to make some cash…who is going to stay and go a long the way.

As for, Crosby could make the Max…which is 20% of the cap…which is 50.3 Mil…so that is 10.06 Mil.

But I read this…props to him for saying he is going Lemieux style…lets just hope he keeps to his word.

Crosby possesses the clout necessary to walk into Shero’s office this afternoon and demand the highest salary in the NHL. If he did, Shero would have little choice but to acquiesce.

However, Crosby has said he would never make such a demand. In fact, he has informed the Penguins that he would accept less money so Shero can afford to keep stars such as goaltender Marc-Andre Fleury and centers Evgeni Malkin and Jordan Staal when they are due new deals in years to follow.

“The unique thing about us is that we have young guys making their mark,” Crosby said. “The Cup is what you play for. That is what I am working for. I want to give Pittsburgh the best chance to bring back the Cup.”

Staying put

The Crosby contract will get done before his entry-level deal expires – not so much because the Penguins wish it but because Crosby genuinely has no desire to leave Pittsburgh.

Crosby is shaping up to be a class-act guy. If he sticks to his guns he will show Pittsburgh what it is to be a winner no matter what and will establish himself as a legend in the same company as Mario Lemiuex.

Crosby seems like the type of guy to build around, a team player. his attitude is something that seems to be hard to come by with stars these days.

he loves the sport. he could care less about the money.

Gotta remember too that the cap is going to go up and up. So 5.5mil for Whitney in 2012 might not be a bad deal if the cap is in the 60+ range.

So long Thibault:

sweet. looks like we may get a good backup goalie!

Sabourin is our backup

I thought T-Bo did really well last season. For the most part he was very solid. The season b4 that was another story tho. But I think we will be fine w/o him…and we will save some $$. I think Sabourin should be fine…but I can’t help to think about the first game he played for the pens and got lit up…let up his first shot on net.

I never warmed up to Thibault. I drove twice to Carolina to visit a buddy that lives in the area and to go to the Pens/Canes game(s). Both times Thibault started, both times he gave up ridiculously soft goals that cost the team the game (1st game was a blow out, but 2nd game he cost it).

I think Thibault had already reached his peak and is on the way down. If Sabourin can be a Peterangelo/Wregget type player, that would be fantastic.

Thibault just got signed by the Sabres

I wonder how much…i think he was making like 1.4 mil here

Crosby signed for $45 million over 5 years. Good deal.

Not bad…I bet he would’ve taken less but the NHLPA would have been jacked…

Who cares T-bo he was very inconsistent! I think signing Crosby was a very good move he is going to be a key element in the future of our team!

Jesus H. Christ! That is a really outlandish statement you made there. I mean, you are really going out on a ledge here and making a statement that some people might not agree with.


i agree with bics. he pob wouldve take less but i guess he sorta has to be that high. but the max will prob go up each year, so i guess in 5 years it wont seem as much. aslong as he stays then im happy tho.