Official 2006 Halloween Costume Idea Thread

I know three.

har har

haha. nice.

I am going to be Shake.

haha nice

im going to be the hamburgalar. might even get some free hamburgers from it. if you were just chillin at mcd’s and someone dressed as hamburglar stole your hamburger…would you be pissed? or to amazed to care?

apparently i’m too tall for the slutty costumes. i just make them sluttier. :tdown: it’s too cold for that shit.

noone steal my idea. I’m gonna be Luke Wilson from The Royal Tannenbaums.

Already got the beard. Gotta get a wig, and my roommate has a headband. I’ll go to Ricks for wristbands. got brown rim aviators, and a camel hair coat. holla!


I’m trying to get Robhimself to be Bowser, but he’s being a little girl about it.

that would be a SWEET COSTUME… if done right

mario and luigi beautiful choice

I’m also working on my wife as Princess Toadstool, but that appears to be failing.

way to amazed to care

I so wanted to go as this guy… (no not the guy sleeping)

But I just dont have the time this year to put the costume together to make it look sweet. :frowning:

amazing. … still watching it.


^that thing is so fucking funny

haha, the best part is after he grabs the beer how he does the double take to make sure he got it all LOL

hahahahah good shit.

Anyone else picture DOS as Frankenstein?

I test fitted my costume tonight…i’m fricken excited to show it in public now.

Alright i have been working on my costume all night. Here is waht i have so far, I will be getting my hair cut in the morning just like you see in the vid, the clothes will be just like you see in the vid.

Here is what i have so far.

^^ I hope you learned the dance too!!