Official 2006 World Cup Thread

Don’t know if any follows, or cares about the World Cup. But if you do, here goes…

Watched the games today. Argentina looked very good. England looked pretty weak for all the hype and expectations they’ve recieved.

England woN

GOOOOOO COSTA RICA :stuck_out_tongue:

Wow, speaking of Costa Rica

did anyone see Frings? That fucking goal must have been from like 30 yards out, NASTY slice.

I wanna see a video.

I was watching Sweden vs. Trinidad and Tabago.

It was pretty cool. I want to watch more soccer. Its not quite as exciting as hockey but I am starting to gain a new appreciation for the sport.

The amount of running these guys do is incredible.

The field is freakin’ HUGE, and the accuracy of their passes and shit while running full tilt amazes me.

also all that crap that they do with the dancing and such around the ball is awesome as well.

i was thinking of watching it this year. ive NEVER been a fan of soccer, but i can appreciate the talent needed to be a pro. plus, its sorta like hockey and i know it can get exciting.

It certainly looks that way. Although I think on TV its a little deceiving. Football fields look huge on TV as well but when you are at a game they look much smaller. Soccer fields are much bigger than football at any rate.

Well, when I played soccer, it definately was still huge.

:word: That’s why I was a keeper. :stuck_out_tongue: Uggh, I should really get cable.

Brazil > *


i cant wait to hear about us getting raped by Venezuela

usa sucks balls, already losing 2-0…lol

soccer players are fucking hardcore. i can’t even run to the fridge for more pie without taking a breather.


What’s up czech republic kicking the shit out of USA


 <b>  Length:</b> minimum      90 m (100 yds),      maximum 120 m (130 yds)      <b> Width:</b> minimum 45 m (50 yds), maximum 90 m (100 yds)  

International Matches

  <b> Length:</b> minimum 100 m (110 yds), maximum 110 m (120 yds)      <b> Width:</b> minimum 64 m (70 yds), maximum 75 m (80 yds)

Soccer kicks ass. It’s too bad it is so hated in the states. :gotme:

No, its not.
NASCAR is way more exciting than soccer and thats saying something

^^ You must be a uni-directional kinda guy.

Like I said, I can see soccer being fun to watch, but im just not that into it.

Nascar is more exciting than nothing. Thats what a book about nascar would say. Except everything would be mispelled and every ‘i’ would be dotted with a budweiser symbol.


NASCAR is more exciting than testicular cancer and molestation by a relative. Thats about it.

Soccer doesnt have 200 MPH car wrecks, with flips and things. It just has a goal or 2 a game, not really enough to suffer through hours of ball goes forward, ball goes backward. ball goes forward, ball goes backward.

If soccer matches had car crashes on the field then maybe.