Official 2008 election day thread

Well congratulations… but still… if you work hard, that doesn’t guarantee that you will be sucessful, even if you go about things correctly. You also are taking into account that everyone is extremely outgoing, and confident when speaking to people about interviews, and networking with others in order to find jobs. Which means you are taking into account that everyone has the same outgoing personality.

If you have someone in the family that is an accountant, you are 10 steps ahead. I don’t care what you say about not being gifted in accounting, you have a major advantage, unless your dad didn’t teach you squat about accounting. You make it sound like it’s easy to get an interview.

Even with follow ups, calling everyone in the phone book, Internet, etc… And, even with gettting counseling on how to write up a good resume, does not guarantee you countless interviews. Now, maybe it does for accounting, b/c it’s such a boring career choice IMO, and no one wants to be an accountant. No wonder you got countless interviews.

Also, internships are not like Mustangs, they are not everywhere, and easy to get. So, you can’t expect everyone to be as fortunate as you were to get a good internship, which really aids in getting interviews and finding a good job right out of school.