Official 2008 election day thread

apples and oranges. since when can you go to CC and spend 100k no questions asked?

I support gay marriage, those folks atleast have a kid to choose to adopt :rofl:

I wish we still had sigs, this would had been a good one :kekegay:

Im comfortable with my heterosexuality to say it :smiley:

it is a direct comparisonā€¦ when buying a house there is not a huge process to go through to get financing. They run a credit check and tell you what you can affordā€¦ Same thing as getting a credit card to buy that tv. Run a check and they tell you how much you can spend.

Ive never had a credit card Iā€™ve always paid cash for everythingā€¦in some opinoins I am the antichrist

makes sense to me!

I have credit cards for an emergency. But cash is the only way to fly. If I canā€™t pay you today, I should not be permitted to have a product today. It is sick how people max out one card after another.

Sweet, iā€™m gonna go get a 250k loan and lose my job a week later.

cash or no go, I agree.

Is there a point to this comment?

Just be a baller like foxrus

Sometimes I wonder why I left the reservation

i have one card. i never spend more than $500/month on it, and I pay it in full every month. I figure I show a good payment history, and never carry a balance, and itā€™ll probably help me out.

It has limited me at times. but in the long run why pay someone to use your money?

makes it easier to get loans if youā€™ve established good credit.

we often butted heads but iā€™m with ya on this one. sad day for the Red White and Blue.

pssstā€¦hey pittspeedā€¦ya you pittspeedā€¦ Obama is half white!

Iā€™m just happy the republicans are out. But, I donā€™t agree with helping out lazy people either. Iā€™m lower middle class, and make 49k/year, and single.

I also donā€™t support the rich taking advantage of the middle class either, and basically ignoring them stating that they can just easily find a job through the newspaper, or Internet. The standards for finding a good job in this country have come down to almost having to have a Masters degree, some experience gained from a family member in a certain field, or just being extremely gifted in a certain area of expertise. Not everyone is fortunate enough to meet one of those criteria. Not all people that work hard, catch all the breaks in life, like republicans seem to think. They think itā€™s easy to go out and find a good paying job as long as you try really hard to find one.

Take finding a teaching job for example (Iā€™m not a teacher). There are a surplus of teachers out there, looking for jobs. That is their passion in life to be a teacher. The republican point of view would be to say, " boo hoo" you should not have chosen a field that it is difficult to find a job in. Now, is that fair? Not everyone has multiple passions to do a number of things in life like republicans seem to think. To make ends meet people have to work 2-3 jobs sometimes. Republicans think this is always the person fault for not getting a better education, but donā€™t realize not everyone has the opportunity to get a higher education if mommy and daddy will not pay for it.

They think there are all these opportunities out there. But, with the growing population, itā€™s getting very difficult to even find a decent job to barely get by (I support abortion). Iā€™m very fortunate that I have a decent paying job, and have the opportunity to go to grad school (almost finished), so that I have a chance to improve myself. But, not everyone is presented with those opportunities, even if they work hard to try and get them.

I support abortion, and freedom of choice. I support gun control. I donā€™t support taxing the wealthy, but I donā€™t think it will hurt them either as much as they seem to think. People with power/money can be much more dangerous and corrupt than people that are poor a little extra money. Rich people are more corrupt by nature IMO.

Republicans still jump to the poor, lazy people getting benefits, and skipping the Middle class discussion.

^ Holy generalization.

Wrong. Some people just expect to have a good job handed to them. You actually have to work to find/keep a good job. I went to a normal college, worked hard, and sent out resumes for internships every summer. I got internships by going on interviews and applying myself. My internships helped me build a resume and gain experience. This helped me get a good paying job straight out of school. I donā€™t claim to be the best or smartest accountant in the world, but I worked hard to get where I am. I didnā€™t ā€œcatch a breakā€ when I found my job, I didnā€™t get experience from working with a family member in the field (which I could have since my dad is an accountant), and I am not exceptionally gifted in finance/accounting. I just worked hard through college and went on lots of interviews to find a jobā€¦its something that most people just donā€™t understand how to do right now because they are spoiled/lazy and expect ā€œthe american dreamā€ to be handed to them.

um it did to mary

Well congratulationsā€¦ but stillā€¦ if you work hard, that doesnā€™t guarantee that you will be sucessful, even if you go about things correctly. You also are taking into account that everyone is extremely outgoing, and confident when speaking to people about interviews, and networking with others in order to find jobs. Which means you are taking into account that everyone has the same outgoing personality.

If you have someone in the family that is an accountant, you are 10 steps ahead. I donā€™t care what you say about not being gifted in accounting, you have a major advantage, unless your dad didnā€™t teach you squat about accounting. You make it sound like itā€™s easy to get an interview.

Even with follow ups, calling everyone in the phone book, Internet, etcā€¦ And, even with gettting counseling on how to write up a good resume, does not guarantee you countless interviews. Now, maybe it does for accounting, b/c itā€™s such a boring career choice IMO, and no one wants to be an accountant. No wonder you got countless interviews.

Also, internships are not like Mustangs, they are not everywhere, and easy to get. So, you canā€™t expect everyone to be as fortunate as you were to get a good internship, which really aids in getting interviews and finding a good job right out of school.

Thatā€™s why itā€™s called work. :slight_smile: