Official 2008 election day thread

He wont make it that long…

Whoever thinks his “tax bracket” will stay the same is retarded:bluez28:


i just hate that this is such a white/black thing.

gobama wins

True, what really pisses me off is 40% of the blacks who voted for obama ONLY voted for him cause he is black, that ****ing sickens me and to see them celebrate and jump for joy on TV and to see them celebrate for something and politics they have no clue about.

hopefully a riot breaks out and jesse jackson gets trampled in the fiasco.

I think people are quick to judge candidates based on race, religion, sex, and age is because it is easy to tell the difference. I mean if you don’t want a woman in the office its easy to discriminate because you obviously know the difference. When it comes to politics a large number of people have no idea what simple things like the GDP is or what it means when the FED contracts the supply of money. So they default to what they know and understand to base the opinion of a candidate.

Incase you didn’t notice people in KENYA were dancing for joy when they heard the terrible news Slobama won, gee i wonder why i feel this way, go figure… I’ts a white/black thing for most afro americans, for me it’s more, i like my guns and i like my taxes as they are, **** OBAMA and evrything he stands for. BTW di he even ever produce a legitimate birth cert?


Do you think he will make it worse?? I dont think it can get much worse. and BTW a special shout out to G. W. thanks for the memories as I stand in line at the food bank Ill look back on the fun times before my employer shipped all of my work off to Korea.

It’s called the newspaper and the internet, ever heard of it? Get a job you bum:crying:

Really only time will tell… The stock market should be interesting tomorrow. The idea of socialism scares the hell out of me. The robin hood concepts of taxing the wealthy and giving to the poor just doesn’t sit well with me. I like others have worked really hard to get to a certain pay grade. It sucks that when you make more, you get taxed more so you can help out a person that doesn’t want a job because life is to hard.

I keep my views quiet but tonight I am feeling saucy and I will share some of what I call the “Whitey plan”. Since the government is into everyones business I think they should put restrictions on people to control the population. First things first, get rid of the trash. Hitler did not have a bad plan but it was not properly executed. If you are a burden to the society, goodbye. I don’t care about reforming you into a proper citizen. Three strikes and you are out!

It is obvious that people don’t know when to keep there legs shut. Procreation should not be a right but a privilege. This privilege should be determined by your gross income. If you make enough money and can actually afford to have children then you can procreate.

My third view is a simple concept. Legalize pot. Grow it, harvest it, export it. It is a product that we can sell and people will buy. I can’t even imagine the tax revenue this would create.

It is amazing what this world has come to. I really hope that Obama can pull something out of his hat and wish him the best of luck.

Well if your theories was in the past , The great inventors of the 20th century would never of been born… Most were born poor. being poor brings out the best in some people.

Yes we can

bomb the stage if jesse jackson gets on stage. that dude is pure anti non black

I will give you that. The population of the poor has grown exponentially over the last 100 years. The burden of the poor on the society has grown to a point where it affecting how we live. I think it is ludacris that people are having kids when they don’t even have a job. It is this kind of irresponsibility that cause issues such as the housing market. If you can’t afford it, don’t do it!


I’m not ready for socialism.

my POV on it is similar, but not as extreme.

i believe that if you are receiving assistance, you should be doing something for this country. that assistance should also be far from permanent. those receiving assistance should also be subject to drug testing and committing crimes while receiving assistance should be verboten.

It’s the loan peoples fault. If anyone could get a loan for a $500,000 Ferrari making 30k a year they would . Same with the housing, Somebody has to say NO at some point even if the borrower is well below expectations :rofl:

Kids happen. Does anyone really plan to have kids during a certain date? most don’t some do
with or without a job kids are born.


So it is the lenders responsibility to worry about how much a person can afford? If I go to Circuit City and buy a TV… Should Circuit City investigate to see if I can afford that TV? No, you are your own keeper. It is common sense that if you can’t pay for it you don’t buy it. The problem is people think they “deserve” things. They feel that if there peer can afford a 100k house that they can do the same even though they make less money.

kids happen? seriously? kids don’t happen if you don’t have sex. lol