Official 2008 election day thread

I wasn’t extremely outgoing either and I didn’t have tons of interviews. I just used the career services office at my college (that was usually empty because nobody ever used the services because they just expected their dream employer to call them up on the phone and offer them a job). I also found a local non-profit that actually looks for internships for you and places you with local companies. Again…another asset that nobody was really using. They had more employers looking for interns than they had applicants looking for jobs. It may have something to do with the field that I am in, I have no idea what it is like to look for a job in engineering, IT, etc., but it seemed like among my friends from college, the ones who actually looked for a job and actively pursued their careers, most of them got good jobs, the rest are still floundering in minimum wage positions.

And saying that accounting is a boring field that no-one wants to work in couldn’t be farther from the truth. If you look at reports on growing job markets, accounting has been near the top for the last five years. There is a lot of demand for accountants and it is a competitive field to get a good job in.

We are getting away from the main point though. People expect to have jobs handed to them, and Obama is only going to enable people even more and make them feel more entitled.