Official 2008 election day thread

Im not denying that but giving a generalization about the fact that most college kids arn’t intelligent is a little over the top.

Some people just do not have any common sense.

I agree that the cum bubble that goes JUST to get a degree is an idiot. But a person who applies higher education = more intelligence.

And they tend to be the ones flocking to the voting stations to vote for “change” because they have such high ideals/expectations for what this country should be like. Obama is not the second coming like people are making him out to be. I am not saying that McCain is great either, but Obama is not the answer to all of the country’s problems like so many people think he is.

What is Referendum Act-64?

That’s one of the things we have to vote on today. At first glance, it doesn’t seem like a good idea. We’ll have to pay higher water and sewage bills if it fails, but I would rather do that so I know the money is staying where I live.

Neither is McCain. It’s sad to say this but marketing is going to be a BIG help to the winner of this election. We live in the day and age of internet and product placement. And well McCain did not have that.

Nhl09 on Live had Obama ads all week on the boards.

Cool, thanks for posting that OB-1. I would prefer that we simply dissolve the PA DEP, and send all the nazis that work there packing, but i guess that’s not going to happen.
I have mixed feelings about this, mainly because if Ed Rendell is for it then it must be a piece of crap, but i don’t know, this one might actually make some sense.
I can’t believe i agree with Fat Eddy…

I think i might actually go for something and agree with Fast Eddie. he is a slime ball crook but this is a pretty good idea.

No problem. I always forget to read about the little items at the end of the ballot. And then end up either ignoring them or guessing based on a 1 line description. Found this site yesterday. You can put in your address and it tells you your entire ballot - then click around and read about all the candidates.

Thanks for the feedback. I’ll be voting in about an hour…

You all make me feel smarter…

I just got a FWD on my Cell… “Obama is in the lead but don’t worry that will all change when the white people get off work” LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL

Haha, its probably true. Obama would be in the lead now because the only people who have voted are people who don’t work and college students who think that Obama is the savior of the world. Some people with real jobs hit the polls this morning, but I would be willing to bet the polls will be pretty crowded from like 5:30 to 7:00.

I voted before work. There was NO wait.

i just got back from voting and no lines FTW

Well apparently you are either (or combination of) black / have no job / or goto school if you voted before 5…
Just to let you know…

lol yes this is true. school and no job :frowning:

im black, also shame on you for getting a education.


so then you know this is nigga tuesday right lol?

fo sho?