McCain has plenty of places to show he’s different than Bush when the race eventually shifts from dem vs dem to dem vs republican. There are a lot of people who support Bush’s economic views and are terrified of the two democrats isolationist policies. I believe McCain will be able to make a case for his views on Iraq based on the progess we see now and the hope that more progess will happen by the election. If things get worse not better though he will probably lose.

Obama on the other hand has had all these opportunities to distance himself from Wright and won’t. Even this morning on Meet the Press he was still making excuses for the guy. The polls will continue getting worse for him.

Honestly, I hope he doesn’t fuck it up too bad because I’d be more worried about McCain vs Clinton than I would be about McCain vs Obama. She’s gaining ground fast in NC and that’s amazing considering the percentage of the population there that is black. There are a lot of Clinton voters who see her as closer to center than Obama and will find McCain closer to their views than Obama’s far left policies.

The percentage of blacks voting Obama is a fun little PC discussion the news doesn’t want to touch with a 10 foot poll either. 95+ % in some cases, an astonishing number when it comes to demographics supporting a candiate, but no one dares ask the question of, “are they voting because he falls in line with their views, or are the voting on skin color”. The former would be pretty much impossible with percentages that high. But if a small percentage of the white vote says they’re voting for Clinton because she’s white and Obama is black, we can talk about racism all day on that. Ah, the old reverse racism double standard.

Instead of this election moving race relations ahead like everyone was originally hoping I think you’re going to see the Wright mess and Obama’s fear of alienating his black base set race relations back several steps.