What is the point of open primaries anyway?
It seems like things could get f’ed up.

The news was reporting it was a very small turnout of Republicans voting Democrat, but it’s not like you guys didn’t do the same with with Romney in a couple states. I doubt it was enough in either situation to swing the vote one way or the other.

But the idea of open primaries makes no sense to me.

Results are there for Paul. 4.85% in Ohio, 5.37% in his home state Texas.

AKA, not even worth a side note, especially when McCain clinched the nomination.

The best part about last night was Hillary won by going negative. Now that she knows she can do that without fallout she’s going to start knocking the shit out of him. And when she does that, he’ll have to break his vow of not going negative and the two of them will beat the shit out of each other for the next couple months. Who ever wins will be bloodied and broke, and an easy victory for McCain.

lets hope so Jay

And $76,389 per minute spent in Iraq for the next 4 to 8 years. Sweet. That’ll balance the ol’ budget, Mr. Fiscally Conservative.

The best part about last night was Hillary won by going negative. Now that she knows she can do that without fallout she’s going to start knocking the shit out of him. And when she does that, he’ll have to break his vow of not going negative and the two of them will beat the shit out of each other for the next couple months. Who ever wins will be bloodied and broke, and an easy victory for McCain.

Stop making me happy, Im at work damnit

We can’t leave Iraq anytime soon. Deal with it.

Blah blah blah… you do realize that even Obama realizes we can’t just yank everyone out right?

Yes, he wants to be out within 16 mos

Phased withdrawal, out within 2 years. Let them deal with their own shit.
Cutting spending > spending on domestic programs that actually have utility > escalation of financial commitment to the previous administration’s (with John McCain’s support 100% of the way and previously with Hillary Clinton’s) GIGANTIC fuckup. It’s at half a TRILLION dollars and counting. That’s $20,000 per person, including kids, the elderly, and the unemployed people you love so much. Your share is probably closer to 40. I don’t see how anyone voting based on economics can not have that impact their decision.

So we can send in a new force @ 2.5 years?

There are civil wars going on all over the world, in countries that are much bigger threats. Let them handle it. They have a government in place there. They need to help themselves, just like poor people.

Just like Somalia did… and Desert storm 1… and serbia… and jerusalem… and the jews… and whereever the actors are supporting this week…

The problem with swinging your dick around is it makes it much easier from someone to grab it and pull you around.

Has Somalia, Iraq, Serbia, Jerusalem, or the Jews ever mounted an attack on the US since then?

Are you trying to imply that if the US pulls out of Iraq tomorrow, there will never be a terrorist attack against US interests?

I’m arguing that if we do a phased withdrawal over 1 to 2 years, there is no greater threat of a terror attack against US interests than there is today. Couple that with a greatly decreased risk for the US military. There is nothing you could do in any country that would guarantee no more terror attacks against US interests, especially after the Republicans’ asinine decisions of the last 8 years. A good start is to elect leaders that will think twice before making dick-swinging stupid decisions that increase the likelihood of terrorist attacks. (ie. NOT George Bush, John McCain)

The war has impact no matter what you’re voting on. Economic, social, domestic policy, foreign policy, etc.

Are you trying to imply if we stay there, there won’t be?

Look it took 9 years for 9/11 to happen since the last foreign terrorist attack on US soil. Just b/c there hasn’t been one since 9/11 does NOT mean anything we’ve done has been better than before 9/11.

So it was our dick swinging that got us attacked on 9/11? I’m pretty sure in the 8 years leading up to 9/11 the only dick swinging that was going on was Clinton’s in Monica’s mouth.

Hell no, thats moronic. Which is why I was questioning Joe’s using it as justification.

Since you’re here, tell me how the US will justify not going back to Iraq if/when a civil war bursts open.

excuse me?

Well it certainly wasnt swinging anywhere near hillary…