Unpossible. See, Billy (and I liked him for alot of reasons) could’ve pulled the trigger on Osama, but didn’t.

#1 What made them hate us? Years and years of international interference.
#2 Was it preventable? Debatable. If so, it would be by intelligence and homeland defense. Two things that are stretched thin by the war.
#3 Did Iraq have anything to do with 9/11? No.

Living in fear of terrorist attacks should not be American policy.


I thought he was talking to me… sorry

You seem to be arguing that the US has made a terrorist attack much more likely by going into Iraq. It’s funny, because the first attack on US soil was after 8 years of one of the most pacifist foreign policies in recent times. If 8 years of basically leaving them alone didn’t work then, what makes you think withdrawing now will suddenly make them stop hating us?

Quick update Joe. As long as we keep supporting Israel, which we always will, Islamic extremists will plot against us.


You must’ve paid attention to history class… I have no idea how you did this considering that you were working while in school and stuff. :clap:

Reagan’s first term?

Did invading Iraq make us any safer from terrorism? Please explain. I’d like to think I got something for my $20,000 besides a cell phone video of Saddam being hanged and a few of my friends being wounded.

Maybe if I would have had a 4k a year grant I could have been out drinking and destroying enough brain cells that this logic would make sense.

OooOoOOhhh existential questions make for great politcal decisions.

Did you go to private school for K-12?

the answer is no

Wheres the proof?


You or Jay asked me the same question, except in reverse, of how the war made us more at risk for terrorism. They used it as justification for starting the attack. The burden of proof is on the side that wants to spend the money and lives. Imagine if a corporation spent that much money and lost some of their best employees on a new project designed to make things easier. When rating its effectiveness, the question to ask is “Has it made things easier?” “It hasn’t made things any harder” is not an acceptable answer.

The answer is yes.

It’s a stupid question. We can both make arguments for our positions, but there is no way to prove it.

Wasn’t me.

The administration (including a congress populated by Hilary & Obama) acted on information that was found to be faulty later on. This is pretty commonly accepted. Its a shitty answer, but mistakes happen.

It happened. Now is has to be dealt with.

List all of the terrorist attacks on US soil after the day we invaded Iraq. :gotme:

Is the best man to deal with it someone who says he would make the same faulty decision again, someone who learned from the mistake and says they would make a different choice, or someone who made another choice from the beginning? A wise man learns from his mistakes, not escalates them.