List all of the terrorist attacks on US soil from 1776-2000 :gotme:


We went in, with the vast majority voting yes, because we had plenty of evidence to believe they were a threat. People like Nick and I believe the evidence being wrong was a mistake, people like the Joes want to say it was a conspiracy, but either way it doesn’t change anything about the day congress voted on the war. If you’re Obama and you’re voting no despite all that evidence you should never become commander in chief.

I give up. How many were there?

First Trade Center attack (truck bomb).
Second Trade Center attack.
A field in PA.
The pentagon.

4 > 0.

3 of those were in 2001. I’m talking major events. There are car crashes that kill more people than the first trade center attack.


LOL, so making the right decision is a bad thing to you 2?
How valid can evidence be if it’s wrong?

So, as long as the casualties are low, we should ignore them?

USS Cole, American embassies, kidnapped citizens, contraband intercepted @ ports & airports… these are all discounted because they are not on US Soil? These lives don’t matter?

I’m not making a case to go off chasing every turban wearing male aged 18 - 35 (sorry Jay) - I simply think it is ridiculous to nag on & on about things that cannot be changed. Accept that the security of your fellow countrymen is an important expenditure.

How it is spent is what should be the topic, not wether or not to spend the money.

It wasn’t the “right” decision until years afterwards…

Thats like saying that you’re playing poker and you have a A full of K, and you fold.

Unless you’re literally psychic & knew that another player had a royal flush. Is Obama related to miss Cleo?

I vote to spend it defending the homeland. I dont think we have a department of offense. 1/10 of what is spent on the war could make the country a much safer place. The other 9/10 is freed up for domestic programs and tax cuts.

I agree.

Our domestic interests as awhole have been put off for faaaaaar to long.

You & your edits…

1/10 of what is spent on the war could make the country a much safer place. The other 9/10 is freed up for domestic programs and tax cuts.
How about instead of cutting taxes, we use those funds to pay off the massive fucking debt?

Also, please tell me how you will justify the US abstinence once a shiite:sunni blood war throws the middle east into even greater turmoil?
Especially considering Turkeys new interest, and with another hardliners stepping into Putin’s seat? Don’t forget Iran too.

Here are the ones before 9/11. :smiley: (Some on US soil)

Terrorism Timeline
December 1992
Aden, Yemen. Two hotels are bombed where US Army troops are housed near the port of Yemen.
January 1993
Mir Aimal Kansi, a Pakistani, fires an AK-47 into several cars waiting at a stoplight in front of the Central Intelligence Agency headquarters in Virginia. Two CIA employees are killed.
February 1993
Shortly after taking office, President Clinton cuts the US intelligence budget. It reduces intelligence spending by 1.9 BILLION DOLLARS.
February 1993
The World Trade Center is bombed using a truck-bomb parked in the basement parking garage. Six citizens are killed and one thousand forty-two are wounded. This attack on US soil is led by Ramzi Yousef, the nephew of KSM.
March 1993
President Clinton’s new economic plan is unveiled. Clinton’s three year plan cuts defense spending from 1994 to 1997 by 76 (seventy-six) BILLION DOLLARS.
July 1993
The Blind Sheikh (Raman) is arrested in New York City after plans to attack landmarks are uncovered. Intelligence officials at the time are aware of his longtime relationship with Zawahiri.
October 1993
Mogadishu, Somalia. The final chapter of Operation Restore Hope. Eighteen US servicemen killed and seventy-three wounded.
Richard Clark, the counterterrorism advisor to the NSC (and member of the Senior Executive Service) strongly believes al-Qaeda is involved because of their ties to General Aidid, and al-Qaeda’s heavy presence in Sudan, Yemen, & Somalia. Clark calls for an investigation, but due to intel budget cuts the CIA has no agents deployed in the region at the time to investigate.
President Clinton withdraws US troops from Somalia, ending Operation Restore Hope. UBL tells jihadists around the world that this shows America is soft.
October 1993
Under the direction of President Clinton, James Woolsey (DCI) implements a new four year intel budget plan that cuts intelligence spending from 1994 to 1998 by 7 (seven) BILLION DOLLARS.
April 1994
Saudi Arabia revokes UBL’s citizenship because of the activities of al-Qaeda.
November 1994
President Clinton visits the Philippines. The Secret Service is aware that UBL has ordered that President Clinton be assassinated during this trip. The cell leader, Ramzi Yousef, plans to attack the motorcade with shoulder-fired rockets. However, Yousef’s men abort the attempt because of an enormous proactive Philippino security force.
December 1994
A bomb explodes on Philippine Airlines Flight 434. A Japanese businessman is killed. This is found to be a test run by al-Qaeda for future operations.
January 1995
Project Bojinka is thwarted. Philippine authorities discover a plot to blow-up a dozen commercial airliners over the Pacific Ocean. Ramzi Yousef is the mastermind of the plot, and his uncle, KSM, sets up funding for the operation.
Yousef is forced to flee his apartment because of a fire in the building. This is when Philippino authorities enter his apartment and discover bomb making materials, uniforms worn by Vatican personnel, and a laptop computer. On the computer authorities find, among other things, detailed information about a plot to assassinate Pope John Paul II, during his visit to Manila that very month. Yousef’s apartment is located just two hundred yards from the Vatican Embassy.
February 1995
Pakistan turns Ramzi Yousef over to US authorities. Pakistani authorities arrest Yousef at a boardinghouse owned by UBL.
January 1996
KSM is indicted in a sealed indictment by US Attorney General, Janet Reno.
May 1996
The Sudanese government offers to turn over UBL in exchange for their country’s removal from the US State Department’s terrorism watch list. Attorney General Reno advises that there may not be enough evidence to prosecute UBL. President Clinton declines the offer from Sudan.
June 1996
The US military residence in Saudi Arabia, known as Khobar Towers, is bombed. Nineteen US servicemen are killed and over five hundred are wounded.
August 1996
UBL officially declares jihad against the United States. He specifically challenges the Secretary of Defense, William Perry.
February 1997
A Palestinian gunman opens fire at sightseers on an observation deck of the Empire State Building in New York City. One person is killed and several others are wounded before the gunman turns the gun on himself.
A handwritten note found on the gunman claims this attack is punishment against “the enemies of Palestine.”
February 1998
President Clinton cancels a trip to Pakistan, because UBL has again ordered an al-Qaeda cell to assassinate him during the visit.
June 1998
Attorney General Reno indicts UBL for funding terrorist attacks against the United States, based on financial links to an Islamic group operating in Queens, London, New Jersey, & Michigan.
August 1998
US embassies in Nairobi, Kenya & Dar es Salaam, Tanzania are bombed. Two hundred fifty-seven people are killed and over four thousand are wounded.
August 1998
President Clinton orders a cruise missile attack on a desolate al-Qaeda training camp in Afghanistan. No one in the al-Qaeda command structure is killed.
One missile is launched at a legitimate aspirin factory in Sudan, completely destroying it. At onetime it was known to be a chemical weapons plant, but the CIA could not provide fresh intel of its status because of crippling budget cuts.
In an act of defiance, the following day Taliban leader Mullah Omar contacts the US State Department and calls for President Clinton’s resignation.
Richard Hoagland, of the US Embassy in Afghanistan, urges Taliban leaders to restrain Mr. bin Laden from using Afghan territory to plan, organize and launch terrorist attacks. Mullah Omar’s reply in part is, “We will never hand Usama over to anyone. We will protect him with our life.” Omar also goes on to ridicule President Clinton for his affair with Monica Lewinsky, stating, “Under our Islamic law the punishment (for adultery) is stoning to death.”
February 1999
US intelligence pinpoints the exact location of UBL in Afghanistan, for the purpose of an air strike. Richard Clark, counterterrorism advisor to the NSC, advises against it for fear of killing a UAE royal family member that may be present. President Clinton does not respond to the request for an air strike.
December 1999
US intelligence tracks al-Qaeda members located in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia who fly to Bangkok, Thailand to meet with an al-Qaeda unit. This is the al-Qaeda unit that will later bomb the USS Cole.
Some al-Qaeda members leave Thailand and fly to CALIFORNIA. The CIA does NOT notify the FBI because of the policy memo authored by the Clinton administration’s Deputy Attorney General, Jamie Gorelick. This is the memo that raised a legal wall of separation between the CIA & FBI. This wall, that outlaws the sharing of intelligence, will later be brought down by the Patriot Act.
December 1999
Jordanian authorities foil a plot to bomb American and Israeli tourists during the millennium new years celebrations. Twenty-eight terrorist cell members are arrested, tried, & convicted.
December 1999
Ahmed Ressam is arrested on the United States–Canada border in Port Angeles, Washington. A customs officer, directed to be on the alert for drug smugglers, asks for additional identification when she comes across the nervous Ressam. Ressam panics and tries to flee. In the trunk of his car, hidden in a spare tire, customs officials find nitroglycerin & four timing devices. Ressam confesses shortly after to planning to bomb the Los Angeles International Airport as part of the 2000 millennium attack plots.
January 2000
An al-Qaeda attack on the USS The Sullivans in Yemen’s Aden harbor fails when their boat filled with explosives, sinks. al-Qaeda will succeed in their second attempt when they target the USS Cole just ten months later, in the very same harbor.
October 2000
Aden, Yemen. The USS Cole is bombed at the port of Yemen. Seventeen US sailors are killed and thirty-nine are wounded.
September 2001
The “9/11” attacks (masterminded by KSM).
November 2002
Public Law 107-306, Titles I and VI - establishing the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States (The 9/11 Commission).
March (31) 2003
9/11 Commission hearings begin
September 2003
Sandy Berger (the National Security Advisor under President Clinton) is recorded by security cameras at the US National Archives in Washington, DC. The recorded footage shows Berger removing classified archived national security documents, concealing the documents in his clothing, and then exiting the building.
October 2003
TAKE TWO. Sandy Berger (the National Security Advisor under President Clinton) is again recorded by security cameras at the US National Archives in Washington, DC. The recorded footage shows Berger removing classified archived national security documents, concealing the documents in his clothing, and then exiting the building.
July 2004
The National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States releases its public report, The 9/11 Commission Report.
April 2005
Sandy Berger (the National Security Advisor under President Clinton) pleads guilty in federal court to the charge of removing & destroying classified documents. The punishment (fine) is ten thousand dollars (which the courts later bump-up to fifty thousand), and loss of security clearance for three years.
The true number of documents removed & destroyed will never be known because the US National Archives does not individually record each specific document in its vast inventory. It is also unknown how many “visits” Sandy Berger may have made to the US National Archives prior to September 2003.

This just got way to hypothetical/philosophical.

There have been plenty of terrorist attacks against us before 2001, but they werent on our soil, does that mean they dont count?

What about the ones against our allies that we value so highly?

No one knew at the time that the information presented on Iraq was incorrect, they voted on the information they had, not some final destination fucking trance flashback bullshit.

Hindsights 20/20 and a royal pain in the ass, becuase you have a limited time to make your decision and then these people have years to tear it apart and nit pick your decision with hindsight.

All I heard was a bunch of excuses for why he made the wrong decision. I don’t care why. I prefer people that make the right one. I was against the war from the start and argued the case with a bunch of my friends. When I was right, they used the same excuses you guys are now.

And something Drifter probably got from one of his spam e-mails, that had no attacks that were relevant to what I asked.

Is Obama psychic? Thats all that I want to know from you.

Snope it bitch.

holy Godlike post by AWDrifter

Do you want me to list all the “Terriorist” attacks on our troops AFTER 9/11? I’m sure the list is much much longer :wink:

Are we talking about attacks in the battlefield? Or are you going to go the route of IEDS = terrorist attacks?

An attack by anyone the Bush admin considers a terrorist IE insurgents