based on what?

If you assume that the majority will avoid another republican, that apparently leaves you with a choice of Barack, Edwards, & Clinton.

Obama is a media darling and poster child of immigrants, minorities, and Gen Y. He gets more intense coverage by the talking heads & Oprah… for free, effectively.
Hilary is riding on a name recognition as a large factor. Though she does have a solid personal platform as well, not to detract from her. She will lock up the “empowered woman” faction, those that have not already given a soft spot to Obama. Quite possibly the Gen X vote that remember the last Clinton presidency with fondness.
Edwards is the most “career” politician of the three, and will garner a fair bit of credit & following from Old Guard & like minded career political analyists.

All IMO.

all good points.

I just don’t see Obama having a chance that’s all… Pres. elections over the years have showed one thing in common, that’s what kind of voters come out, and this does not favor a minority cand.

o yeah and I don’t want a dirty immigrant as president of my country- jk

Oh, i agree on turnout. But based on that you’re implying that Edwards will win.
Up until Iowa, I’m pretty sure that most people had him pegged as a huge underdog in the Liberal race.


However, considering the trends over the last few yaers, the performance along party lines, and the apparent national shift to scorn the GOP (last Congressional election)… I’d guess the odds were in favor of greater turnout by minorities & those empathetic to such causes.

Of course, all of this is conjecture and the real rights belong to the individual.

Valid points. I hope you’re wrong not only for the sake of Obama, but for democracy. Time will tell.

I had to look this one up on urban dictionary:

  1. Mofe
    A girl who fancies effeminate men, trannies, poofs or otherwise testosterone deficient species. Also known as a term of affection, like “friend”. An internet friend is hence an “e-mofe”; this is shortened to emo. So really, we, inventing the term mofe, simultaneously invented emo. Score!

You realize that an immigrant cannot be president right? Must be over 35 and born in the US…

What kind of voters come out? Let me say this for the 3rd time Obama just won a state with a 2% black population.

And for the “Hillary can’t be stopped” crew. Obama beat Clinton in the FEMALE demographic last night.

^ this is true, I was not expecting Obama to win

I remember reading a blurb in the beginning of last year about people who were looking to change that rule in favor of the Gover-nator… :lol:

Go Obama!


srsly? well we know where all of offtopic.coms votes are going!

lol, he totally was. I could not take his speach seriously with Norris’s big smile over his shoulder

^ yes I saw Chuck Norris too


Thank God, I thought I was halucinating!

Obama won 57% of the 17-29 age group, compared to only 11% for Clinton and 14% for Edwards. In the 30-44 age group, the figures were 42%, 23% and 21% respectively.

Older voters in Iowa, however, did strongly favor Clinton. In the 65-and-over age group Clinton won 45%, while Obama took 18%. Edwards scored 22%.

Basically, in Iowa it came down to young vs. old, moreso than man vs. woman, and nearly everyone was white so there were no racial demographics. Usually the candidate of the young gets trounced by that of the old, so the fact that he mobilized that many young voters and independents for an old-school primary is very encouraging.

Unlike most of you, I actually don’t have a problem with Hillary personally, and think she is a good leader, but too many people do for me to support her as a general election candidate; that would be one of the only ways we could hand this election to the reps.

That’s a lot of spackle.