I assumed you meant to the republicans, and that’s false. I’m a multiple gun owner, and I’m voting democrat even if, by some stretch, i have to hold my nose and vote Hillary.

Theres always a few exceptions in the bunch.

I know more people (mostly family) that are gun owners and thier all voting dem.

Although I’m not a registered dem, I dont feel threatened one bit about dems and gun control.

Republicans like to think they have infinate money to spend.
Another one in office would be terrible for the country as a whole.

Thank you. You telling people to vote democrat is probably one of the strongest agruments I’ve seen on this site that people should be voting for McCain.

I didn’t tell people to vote at all.
The government puts who It wants in office regardless of votes.
A Trained monkey would have gotten more votes then Bush for a second term.


meh, everyone knows how its gonna play out at this point. hillary wins by ~10 pts. If it’s substantially less, she might as well drop out tomorrow.

Regardless of how much she wins by (my guess is 7), she won’t drop out.

i know, but thats when the party has to start putting her nuts in a vise about it.

Just heard on MSNBC that if she loses (according to Hillary), she is going to stay in it until Michigan and Florida are seated.

I love it. You’ve got Hillary and Obama attacking each other, then Obama blows up the democrats whole strategy that a vote for McCain is a vote for Bush by saying that all three of them are better than Bush.





She’s gonna get burned in Indiana and NC.

^ She’ll get burned in NC, but Indiana will be close.

Good read:,8599,1734205,00.html?xid=site-cnn-partner

I must commend you on your lack of Fox News links as of late. :wink:


Even so, the real winner of the Democratic race in Pennsylvania is John McCain. The most significant number coming out of Tuesday night wasn’t Clinton’s 10 point margin of victory, but 43. That’s the percentage of Clinton voters who say they would stay home or vote for McCain if Obama is the party’s nominee in November. It is no longer just the Chicken Littles within the party who openly worry about an outcome that leaves large blocks of women or African-Americans frustrated and alienated.

You people just make it too easy.

As of right now, shes 5 pts back in Indiana. At this point in PA, she was up 18. I like his chances. If he can pull off a 55-45 win in Indiana, along with a thumping in NC, the superdelegates need to take a stand and come out for Obama. She gained 12 delegates yesterday at this point, in a stronghold. The margin is still between 125 and 150. With NC being the biggest state left, theres no way it gets any smaller, short of the whole horse-trading-in-a-smoke-filled-room thing, in which case we might as well endorse McCain.

Hahahah, you really think those poll numbers are going to stick come November? People are just voting because they are pissed. Once there is a nominee, the party will come together, trust me. The dems are going to push McCain as being Bush III and no one in America wants that.