Wow, who was this guys history teacher?

Hillary is showing no signs of giving up, and neither is Obama Mama

This actually makes my tv watching easier since there arent any ads since no one knows who to attack.

I love how another McCain advisor had to step down because of lobbyist ties…

^ Has Obama even made the names of his advisors public? The article you posted mentions he hasn’t.

At least McCain put a policy in place and is clearly enforcing it.



CNN has reported that Clinton has formally begun courting the VEEP position under Obama.

So, who think’s he’d be dumb enough to take her on?
I would think that would screw his whole “for change” stance…
Not too mention that having Bill around would totally undercut Obama’s “manhood” in office.


Probably depends on how many of those Clinton voters he honestly believes will stay home or vote McCain is she’s not on the ticket.

With any hope…tonight Clinton will drop out of the race.

Sen. Hillary Clinton’s is “absolutely not” prepared to concede the race for the Democratic presidential nomination to Sen. Barack Obama, her campaign chairman said.

Terry McAuliffe rejected as “100 percent” incorrect an Associated Press report that Clinton is preparing to acknowledge that Obama has the delegates to win the nomination Tuesday night as the five-month Democratic primary process comes to a close.

It all depends on how many superdelegates he can come up with. She won’t quit while he hasn’t reached what ever that number is to secure the nomination.

Congrats, you Dems finally have a nominee.

Good job on picking National Journals most liberal Senator of 2007 in a year when people are upset that government is so divided by partisanship.

My party went to the middle, your party reached as far left as you could. Should be an interesting election to say the least.

we didnt ask for your opinion.
oh and way to drop out hillary :picard:

Maybe she believes in miracles, not math. You know, like Huckabee.

That or the Clinton snipers are looking for an opportunity.

EDIT: He’s setting up asking Hilldog to be his VP with this speech he’s giving right now.

please no.
why would you bother, shes being a bitch about this. fuck her. please dont ask her and throw the election. whats so hard about choosing Old white guy?

Because your party is really worried about all the Hillary supporters who are promising to vote McCain.

I don’t know what I want as a Republican. I’m not sure which would do more damage to the Dems, taking on Hillary and pissing off all the young liberals who generally don’t vote, or picking someone else and pissing off all the Hillary supporters who may or may not decide to vote the party line regardless.

they will fall in line, it just takes time. By november they’ll realize that he’s a lot closer to their views than McCain, and suck it up, just like we all did for Kerry in 04 when we were supporting other candidates, even though he was a douche. The primary did sign up a shitload of new liberal voters that never voted before, mostly on the Obama side. Most of hers will fall in line too.
I was a couple min behind on the speech on DVR. i think he’s reaching out to her supporters, but not necessarily her.

Maybe, maybe not. You didn’t go nearly as far left with Kerry. From what I’ve been reading, even in very left leaning articles, there is a real fear in your party that Obama is too far left and a whole bunch of traditionally blue states are going to be on the table when moderate democrats and independents can’t get behind Obama.

I don’t think it will be the 30+% of Hillary supporters that are saying they will vote McCain. I’ll welcome them if they want to, but even if just 1/4 of them follow through it’s a serious swing.

The VP choices are going to be huge for both sides.

Obama has to find that older, white, experienced guy to try to bring in some older, white voters while not picking someone experienced that will go against his big “change” message. That’s a tough pick.

McCain has to find a younger VP with a good strong economic background. He needs someone to help with the way right, but not so right that he alienates the moderate democrats and independents. Again, a tough pick.

i’m not sure where you get that super-liberal image of him but it’s wrong. Too much right-wing “news.”
Here are the ratings of the senators from liberal and conservative interest groups, as posted by a fully non-partisan site. Check out how they really rank.

The “most liberal senator” thing was dug up by conservatives by a publication from April 2005, when he had been office for 3 months. He was probably 1 for 1 on the progressive side.

That’s 2007, from the National Journal.

National Journal is a weekly magazine that reports on the current political environment and emerging political and policy trends. National Journal was first published in 1969 and is now part of National Journal Group, a division of Atlantic Media Company. It was purchased by David G. Bradley in 1997.

National Journal is aimed at Washington insiders. It is read by members of Congress, Capitol Hill staffers, the White House, Executive Branch agencies, the media, think tanks, corporations, associations and lobbyists. It is a subscription-only publication.

The magazine has received three National Magazine Awards.

But yeah, it’s all just some republican conspiracy. :tinfoilhat:

Hahahha… We’ll see come election time. All I know is the democrats brought out record numbers of new voters or republican converts. 5 months is plenty of time to bring the party together. I think the republicans are fucked.

Case of beer of your choice if McCain gets into office, Jay.