I’ll take that bet.
dems are going to win
i vote republican
ah yes, those rankings. the ones that made Kerry the most liberal in 2004. This guy said what i was just about to.
Fucking finally, we have someone we can direct our republican hate machine at.
I hope Obama burns in hell for spewing his bullshit all over the place, and confusing young malleable minds.
Don’t be naive, Rush brought out record numbers of voters.
Hillary is like that whacky aunt that everyone has that is fun at first, but tires and gets rather annoying after sticking around and not leaving.
Good riddance.
Are you crazy? The ditto-head effect was a % point here or there.
Last time I checked Obama supporters were among the most educated.:gotme:
either way, I see McCain still having a better shot than either of the other two.
there are A LOT of stupid people (democrats) that STILL believe that obama is a muslim, not to mention boarderline racist and wont vote for him on those facts alone. And once the election gets into full swing, you know the issue of his pastor is going to bite him in the ass a little.
Same with a woman being in office.
not to say there aren’t ignorant republicans out there as well, but they’re really only left with one option. (which is really retarded, because based on composure and sense of sincerity alone, I’d pick obama over that c*nt)
I’ve heard quite a few people say that if Hillary doesn’t win the primaries, they’re voting for McCain.
atleast they all think so maaaaaaan
I’ve heard rumors of hill dog running as an indy :ohnoes:
if she did, I have a feeling she’d “turn up missing” lol
Def. Irony
lol if she did that she’d steal enough votes from Obama that McCain wouldn’t even have to campaign.
But yeah, 4 more years of Bush lite. There’s no way that this redneck bible belt country is ready to elect a dark skinned dude with a muslim sounding name.
I expect that from Obama, but not you. During the primary the dems were crowing about how our party was all divided, and John McCain was never going to get the far right support because he’s too much of a maverick, not conservative enough ect ect. Now they’re saying he’s just like Bush.
But that’s ok, he’s got a long record of crossing party lines and taking the sometimes unpopular path to do what he felt was right to back him up. If the best you can come up with is “4 more years of Bush” you’re in trouble.
There is no way I can see Hillary running as an independent. She’d still lose, and she’d guarantee she never have a shot at the nominiation in the future for submarining Obama’s bid for the whitehouse.
During the primary the dems were crowing about how our party was all divided, and John McCain was never going to get the far right support because he’s too much of a maverick, not conservative enough ect ect. Now they’re saying he’s just like Bush.
yeah, I saw obama’s speech and was honestly dumbfounded by that comment.
John McCain is with bush on his failed economic policies, he’s with bush on his failed war, he’s with bush on his failed foreign relations. McCain had balls when he said the bush tax cuts were immoral, but now he’s flip-flopped on that one.
Don’t forget John McCain became famous for being corrupt.
The only place he isn’t with bush is when it comes to religion. But he’s trying to fix that (he changed from episcopalian to baptist last year).
John McCain = More of the Same
yeah, i’m really not thrilled at all with McCain
Yep. We can bring out the Republican flip-flopping attacks on Kerry from 04, replace “War” with “Bush tax cuts” and go. Use them as part of an entire theme of McCain being an old fart who knows nothing about the economy. Then we hammer him on how he shares Bush’s views on foreign policy and the failed, useless, expensive war. Next, we shore up support with the Hillary voters by going after his views on free trade in the Rust Belt, and how he helped to send their manufacturing jobs overseas and reward the companies that did so, and privatization of Social Security, which scares the shit out of old people. Finally, we throw in the Keating Five and hammer him on character like the Republicans are so fond of doing (If you can’t win on the issues, attack the person that’s speaking on them) and you have a new President.
You guys are just in your own litter world…
Its quite amuzing.