Yeah The country was on the road to riches before President Bush thought he had an infinate credit card, and spent us billions into the red on his cameleon war.
The war on bin laden and terror, which morphed into the war for oil against saddam.
Royally fucking the country, and sending us almost back into a giant depression.
Not to mention doing nothing while Big oil recreates the last MAN MADE gas crunch.
So they sent everyone a check for 600$ to stimulate the economy.
The problem with this is, nothing worth a shit is made in america.
90% of everything we own is made in china, or some other country.

Further proof we need a politics section that you are only allowed into after passing some sort of test.

Shit, that test is second in priority to passing a test before you can make a baby.

Gotta walk before you can run.

:lol: politics before procreation.

I can see why you like that idea though, being king of the huge nerd forum. :wink:

You do realize that You and Joe already have your own forum, right?

get it right, its me, joeS, and rubicant vs. JayS and AWDrifter, with you and Fry on one side or the other depending on the issue

But that locks out you, JoesTypeS, Rubicant, Fry, Cougarspeed, AWDrifter and others who make rational to semi-rational posts.

Im so happy that McCain is starting to distance himself from the current regime.

With his green/economy/enviroment speech

To now saying that the war will be over in 5 years. That is a realistic goal of ending the war without pulling out like a bunch of fucking pussies and making another 1972 Vietnam Recreation.

We need to make the government smaller.

We need a military/national defense to protect us from threats
Police Fire and hospitals to keep us safe and healty
Schools colleges
and Roads to be taken care of.

the paying off of farmers not to grow certain things to artificially regulate supply and demand and subsidizing big fucking oil while they are making record profits is insane.

Let the capitalist system work and stop fucking with it.

If you are only voting for a dem Because you hate Bush then yes your right. But many people who are anti-Bush have legitimate reasons.

I could list mine but whats the point, by now its pretty obvious that Bush was a bad choice.


I’m sorry but unless we are willing to kill off either the sunni or the shia, 1 year, 5 years 100 years it still wont matter these people are going to fucking kill themselves.

Why loose another American life for these people? I know that sounds racist but if no matter what we do there is going to be violence then whats the point.

There is a reason why Saddam was a stalinist dictator, it was the only way to control these people and I’m not willing to recreate that under the American name.

^ hahaha


So Obama is the fiscally conservative one of the group…you see who actually cut spending :lol:

File, print, pin to door.

But a good Christian like McCain gave him money on his own.
Too bad Hussein isn’t Christian.:rx3::poke:


sure he is, haven’t you heard the rants of his pasto… ohhhh




Only if Ron Paul had a chance…this country would be much better off

o…and FUCK Hillary