Yep, good thing blue collar non-college educated whites don’t make up much of the US population.

Some of them will go democrat regardless, but it will be interesting to see how many follow through with their threats of not voting or voting McCain.

The numbers were much less when the Democrats were celebrating how many Romney/Huckabee supporters wouldn’t get behind McCain, but now that it’s their likely nominee in a far worse but similar situation they’re pretending it’s no big deal.

Really, I think a lot of them will get behind who ever the nominee is because everything is so “red vs blue” now. In a close election though those that don’t could be huge.

Yeah because when I said WV, I really meant the entire US population of blue collar folks. :bloated:

Exit polls from WV as far as blue collar non-college educated whites were much heavier for Hillary than Barack when compared to PA and Indiana.

He didn’t do very well in that demographic in PA.

I haven’t bothered searching for IN, but I’m pretty sure it’s the same based on what I’ve read thus far.

Dems lose the white vote anyway.

Not to mention new poll out shows Obama/clinton losing whites to mccain by the same margin. This isn’t a GE issue.

Oh and Edwards endorses Obama…holla

Edwards’ endorsement paying dividends already…

Within hours, Obama picked up the backing of three of them from South Carolina and one in New Hampshire.

In addition, Rep. James McDermott, a superdelegate, endorsed Obama. “I believe now is the time to unite behind Barack Obama so we can be in the strongest place possible to win in November,” he said.

Edwards also had been backed by the United Steelworkers Union, which announced it would now support Obama. The union has 600,000 active members, many of them blue-collar workers of the type that have favored Clinton in recent primaries.

Great we need a racist in office.

I saw Just Karter posted in the political thread and I knew it would suck. I was not disappointed. Which one of them is the racist?

WTF are you talking about???

The one who was a member of a church for 20 years, that was aimed to destroy the white man ?

:fail: :fail: :fail: :fail: :fail: :fail: :fail: :fail: :fail: :fail: :fail: :fail: :fail: :fail: :fail: :fail: :fail: :fail: :fail: :fail: :fail: :fail: :fail: :fail: :fail: :fail: :fail: :fail: :fail: :fail:

LOL say what you will it dosen’t change the fact that he was, or the fact that he dosent even wear an american flag pin.

Vote McCain.

Please don’t reproduce.

Well I never planned on reproducing until you said that.
Now I’m going to have 18 kids in public school.

If the reason why you are voting for McCain then just stay home. If you don’t agree with him on the issues thats one thing but come on petty shit like a flag pin?

I find it hard to believe Obama is racist against whites when he is part white.

This just in: Iraq War will be won by 2013 so says McCain.

Don’t waste your time. Just Karter pretty much said the equivalent of 2+2 = 5.

I saw that, he is really getting desperate to seperate himself from Bush now even though…


I’m honestly not voting, but JayS said whoever I said to vote for isnt going to win.
Considering he knows everything (I dont argue with his user title hes dead on most of the time)
I said Vote McCain as a joke.
This countrys going to hell in a hand basket, It dosent matter who runs it.
In all honesty, if whoever runs the country for the next 8 years dosent spend thier entire campaign trying to get us into the green.
We should all consider moving.

thats no different than the “anybody but Bush” group.

I’m sorry but I know things are bad but if everyone had you attitude about our country then I would say its time to move.

This country in many ways was going in the right direction during the 90’s we need to get the country back on that path and if we had some inspiring leadership then maybe we could.