Official 24 Thread - 2007


Damn, not kidding. 35+ shows.


Milo gets that busted mess of a “hottie” Chloe back.


I remember when the season was first starting out this year and they said Chloe was hot. I thought she might have had plastic surgery…but I guess not.

Sorry I meant Nadia, but Nina came out due to my hatred of her from earlier years

If this has been mentioned before then I didn’t see it…but I was watching Boondock Saints today and I noticed that Yakavetta the Italian crime boss is Morris O’Brien. I had no idea.

Update 3:28:07

Audrey Raines :frowning: :frowning: :frowning: (Killed in a car crash in China between Seasons Five and Six, believed to have been a murder.)
Hamri Al-Assad (blown up with podium bomb)
Graem Bauer (drugged to death by his own father with hyoscine pentothal)
Curtis Manning RIP :frowning: (Bauer’d aka shot in the throat)

Approximately 540 Americans (terrorist bombed)
4 terrorists in the house (Cobra attack)
1 terrorist (stabbed)
1 terrorist (by Jack chewing off his throat) :eek:
the guy who played rube baker in major leagues 2 and 3…contractor guy (kumar shot in his house)
Prison Bus driver (?)
Scott’s Dad (vaporized)
Kumar (blasted by CTU)
Terrorist that was in the car crash that threw the grenade on the C4 pallets (hmmm)
Cop that wounded terrorist that was in the car crash that threw the grenade on the C4 pallets (shot)
3 Tac Team members (shot, then nuked)
4 terrorists (shot, then nuked)
20 Remaining Tac Team and terrorists (blackened)
Approximately 12,000 Valencio Californians (extra crispy)
Pilot of the crashed helicopter (splattered)
2 tac team members in the van outside Jack’s dad’s workplace (shot)
2 of Phillip Manning’s bodyguards (shot)
Darrin McCarthy (shot by the blonde chick in the see-through top)
Blonde chick in the see-through top (shot by Fayed)
5 terrorists (killed in the siegebreak on the apartment complex)
5 tac team members (killed when the house exploded)
2 of Phillip Bauer’s henchmen (shot)
3 White House staffers (blown up when podium bomb detonated)
1 Russian security agent (shot)
11 Russian agents (shot by US forces in taking the embassy)
Anatoli Markov (shot trying to pull a weapon in the embassy)
2 terrorists defending the compound in which the stealth drone was piloted remotely from (shot)
3 terrorists - Gredenko’s henchmen (shot)


No deaths in the last one?

Hmm thats out of character for the show.

I totally forgot to post about it this week. I have been pre-occupied with midterms. It was a good episode, but it looks like the VP is going to try to unseat the president next episode. That was great when the VP was told that the ships were to stand down.

I like how Palmer went from unconcious->crashing-> totally coherant by the end of the show. Besides that it was a good episode.

3 deaths, dudes that got out of Gredenko’s Range and were deaded by the tac team.

Interesting episode but the plot’s kind of dragging as a whole right now.

ITS building up for the big shit to go down.

How many hours are left




jack is an animal





jack is an animal


Holy fuck!! You are so right

:eek: <=== Me at the end of this episode.

Even Ricky Schroder was like Holy shit!


Finally a badass episode.

Jack fucked up those dudes.

i may have nightmares ab9ut jack. “say hello to your brother” oooh chiils!


i sooo called audry coming back durring the episode…

Update 4:07:09

Abu Fayed (Killed when Jack hung him with a chain)
Dimitri Gredenko (Killed after his arm was hacked off to remove a transmitter, bled out)
Hamri Al-Assad (blown up with podium bomb)
Graem Bauer (drugged to death by his own father with hyoscine pentothal)
Curtis Manning RIP :frowning: (Bauer’d aka shot in the throat)

Approximately 540 Americans (terrorist bombed)
4 terrorists in the house (Cobra attack)
1 terrorist (stabbed)
1 terrorist (by Jack chewing off his throat) :eek:
the guy who played rube baker in major leagues 2 and 3…contractor guy (kumar shot in his house)
Prison Bus driver (?)
Scott’s Dad (vaporized)
Kumar (blasted by CTU)
Terrorist that was in the car crash that threw the grenade on the C4 pallets (hmmm)
Cop that wounded terrorist that was in the car crash that threw the grenade on the C4 pallets (shot)
3 Tac Team members (shot, then nuked)
4 terrorists (shot, then nuked)
20 Remaining Tac Team and terrorists (blackened)
Approximately 12,000 Valencio Californians (extra crispy)
Pilot of the crashed helicopter (splattered)
2 tac team members in the van outside Jack’s dad’s workplace (shot)
2 of Phillip Manning’s bodyguards (shot)
Darrin McCarthy (shot by the blonde chick in the see-through top)
Blonde chick in the see-through top (shot by Fayed)
5 terrorists (killed in the siegebreak on the apartment complex)
5 tac team members (killed when the house exploded)
2 of Phillip Bauer’s henchmen (shot)
3 White House staffers (blown up when podium bomb detonated)
1 Russian security agent (shot)
11 Russian agents (shot by US forces in taking the embassy)
Anatoli Markov (shot trying to pull a weapon in the embassy)
2 terrorists defending the compound in which the stealth drone was piloted remotely from (shot)
3 terrorists - Gredenko’s henchmen (shot)
2 terrorists - Gredenko’s guards
1 sanitation truck driver
4 terrorists - holding the nukes in a warehouse
1 terrorist (Jack snapped the neck of on the loading dock)
3 CTU under cover agents (killed by Fayed)


Holy shit did things just get crazy! Audrey’s not dead! Cheng knows where Bauer is! Jack killed Fayed with a tow chain! WTF! :nite:

^ don’t forget the one terrorist that Jack snapped the neck of on the loading dock as well as the two CTU under cover guys

Wow… nothing like completely switching plots when you’re more than 1/2 way through the season.

Can’t wait for next weeks Jack vs Ricky showdown. Please let Ricky die.


Wow… nothing like completely switching plots when you’re more than 1/2 way through the season.

Can’t wait for next weeks Jack vs Ricky showdown. Please let Ricky die.


I’m kinda liking Ricky now.

I was thinking about Sadaam Hussein when Jack was raising up that chain hanging Fayed. Jamal was asking for it giving the gun to Fayed (shoulda had a gun full of blanks witcha sonny). :tup: to Pres Palmer on his bluff and Milo is HO MO for gettin all jealous (hes a homo regardless).

Good Episode, and Im glad started watching this season.