Official 24 Thread - 2007


Jamal was asking for it giving the gun to Fayed (shoulda had a gun full of blanks witcha sonny). :tup:


Fayed checked the clip just for that.


Fayed checked the clip just for that.


He should have checked himself before thinking he could kill Jack Bauer without arming one of the nukes. Hand to hand combat vs. Jack = Instant death.

i dont like the new audrey plot. if i were jack, i would go bang out the dead brother’s widow, like he obviously has done before, and take care of the kid, which is obviously his.

then somehow get kim back in the picture, b/c she’s hot. lol


He should have checked himself before thinking he could kill Jack Bauer without arming one of the nukes. Hand to hand combat vs. Jack = Instant death.


Word. I enjoyed Doyle’s reaction.


Word. I enjoyed Doyle’s reaction.


Yeah he was shocked indeed. I can’t tell if he was amazed or let down that he didn’t get a piece.


Word. I enjoyed Doyle’s reaction.


You mean that, “Wow, I’m going to have to do a lot more than choke some cute little arab chick to be as badass as Jack” moment?


You mean that, “Wow, I’m going to have to do a lot more than choke some cute little arab chick to be as badass as Jack” moment?


That’s the one. It seems like there might be something going on now with Nadia and Doyle…she likes it rough apparently.

I was just messing around with my work phone and I found the CTU ring!!!

I am totally rocking it right now. I will not look forward to the days my phone rings off the hook.:smiley:

I have chloes ringer on my cell, its a little different that the ctu one but yeah when we go to cisco phones im so gonna rock that one too.


Fayed checked the clip just for that.


I saw that and knew what he was doing but they shoulda had something set up for him. I wouldve aborted once he said he wanted to talk to the general; that mission was fugged from the get go. I thought it was clever at first but it wouldve been too perfect if had worked.

go figure the chinese are back… wonder what they want… jack back ? maybe?


go figure the chinese are back… wonder what they want… jack back ? maybe?


My money is on the nukes


My money is on the nukes



BTW i forgot what happened to Jacks dad?

Jacks dad just vanished!

Yeah i coulden’t remember but you can count on him being back. I still wish they cast donald as his father.

i bet whats his face… curtis comes back… just a feeling… he was one of the better guys on the show…

I hope he does. real bad


i bet whats his face… curtis comes back… just a feeling… he was one of the better guys on the show…


Dude hes dead, real dead.

Here is what gets me and I think is a potential plot hole.

Why do the Chinese have Audrey? She would have been captured when Jack was already in prison in China so why keep her? They didn’t know that Jack was going to be set free. Also, when they set him free and he was supposed to be killed by Fayed, why did the Chinese hang on to her? It really doesn’t make sense to hold someone captive as a bargaining chip when the guy you want to bargain with is already captured or dead.

Now if she is being held as a prisoner for some law she broke while trying to find Jack, that makes a little more sense. But it doesn’t sound like this Cheng guy is any kind of law authority. I’m sure it will be explained, but it seems a little flimsy right now.