Maybe to bargain with her father?
Maybe to bargain with her father?
ding #2 for being the sec of defense
Maybe to bargain with her father?
Is he still Sec of Def?
Is he still Sec of Def?
No but im sure he has friends.
Any man that can drive his car into a body of water from 100 feet plus at 60 mph and survive is badass, and i dont care if hes not the Sec of Def, hes got MADD 1337 connections
I was just messing around with my work phone and I found the CTU ring!!!
LOL, I had this last year and answered it “CTU, Almeda”
Then: “No, you’ve got the right number, what’s up dude” :eyebrow:
Added neck-snapped terrorist and unfortunate CTU members.
Sec. Heller hasn’t figured into any of this yet, so I’m pulling for that.
Powerful episode tonight, looks like its gonna be crazy next week
Alright, we missed the death toll last week and now we have to add this week’s.
Anyway, only 4 more episodes left and things seem to be getting more and more messed up in the show. Jack is in trouble, Audrey is all wacko, Bill is gone, the president is in a coma.
Also, I am pissed. For some reason the show was not shown in HD last night. This happened once before for about 10 minutes and then the show switched over to HD. Last night the whole show was SD. It looked bad.
Update 4:23:09
Abu Fayed (Killed when Jack hung him with a chain)
Dimitri Gredenko (Killed after his arm was hacked off to remove a transmitter, bled out)
Hamri Al-Assad (blown up with podium bomb)
Graem Bauer (drugged to death by his own father with hyoscine pentothal)

Curtis Manning RIP
(Bauer’d aka shot in the throat)
Approximately 540 Americans (terrorist bombed)
4 terrorists in the house (Cobra attack)
1 terrorist (stabbed)
1 terrorist (by Jack chewing off his throat) :eek:
the guy who played rube baker in major leagues 2 and 3…contractor guy (kumar shot in his house)
Prison Bus driver (?)
Scott’s Dad (vaporized)
Kumar (blasted by CTU)
Terrorist that was in the car crash that threw the grenade on the C4 pallets (hmmm)
Cop that wounded terrorist that was in the car crash that threw the grenade on the C4 pallets (shot)
3 Tac Team members (shot, then nuked)
4 terrorists (shot, then nuked)
20 Remaining Tac Team and terrorists (blackened)
Approximately 12,000 Valencio Californians (extra crispy)
Pilot of the crashed helicopter (splattered)
2 tac team members in the van outside Jack’s dad’s workplace (shot)
2 of Phillip Manning’s bodyguards (shot)
Darrin McCarthy (shot by the blonde chick in the see-through top)
Blonde chick in the see-through top (shot by Fayed)
5 terrorists (killed in the siegebreak on the apartment complex)
5 tac team members (killed when the house exploded)
2 of Phillip Bauer’s henchmen (shot)
3 White House staffers (blown up when podium bomb detonated)
1 Russian security agent (shot)
11 Russian agents (shot by US forces in taking the embassy)
Anatoli Markov (shot trying to pull a weapon in the embassy)
2 terrorists defending the compound in which the stealth drone was piloted remotely from (shot)
3 terrorists - Gredenko’s henchmen (shot)
2 terrorists - Gredenko’s guards
1 sanitation truck driver
4 terrorists - holding the nukes in a warehouse
1 terrorist (Jack snapped the neck of on the loading dock)
3 CTU under cover agents (killed by Fayed)
4 Chinese agents (shot by tac team)
2 tac team members (shot by Chinese agents)
There were NO deaths in the episode previous to this (I know, “really, none?”) so I didn’t add to it.
BUT - now I have a question.
Last night, in two seperate instances, they mentioned that “over 13,000 people died today.”
So, I leave it to you - update the death toll to over 13k with this new information? I would stand it at 13,662.
Jay, I was pissed as hell there was no HD. They showed two FOX logos, one in the SD feed and one in the borders for the HD. :tdown:
they did mention 13,000 a few times
so what do you forsee being the deal with audrey? brainwashed? clone? not even her?
notice she understood chinese now? that was weird…
notice she understood chinese now? that was weird…
Yeah I saw that. Maybe she is a plastic surgery modified Chinese woman who only knows one phrase. “Don’t let them do this to me Jack.”
who cares, audrey is garbage. jack needs to go back to his baby momma, u know, jack jr’s mom, and tap that.
its amazing how many times they let people get away. this time the chopper gets destroyed by a rocket launcher… classic.
I can’t believe it… but I’m honestly getting tired of this show.
How many times can we re-run the plot of Jack being taken into custody only to end up having to save the day. They’re not even trying to be original about it anymore.
And Chang’s magic escape, give me a break. No one heard those big H1’s pulling up out back huh? All the military that would be on alert after a nuclear attack and the best we can get for air support is some little unarmed chopper? We all saw the map, there are only 2 roads in the area, and they aren’t going to get very far very fast staying off road, so close down those 2 roads.
And you’re excited over finding one plot hole. :lol:
dude, you didnt know? H1’s come equipped with RPG’s…standard issue…
dude, you didnt know? H1’s come equipped with RPG’s…standard issue…
especially the chinese terrorist versions…very limited production…only made 3, 1 of which had the super limited edition anti-CTU rpg lol
5/1/07: No change to the toll.
Some of these episodes are sloooooooooooooow.
Jay, I was pissed as hell there was no HD. They showed two FOX logos, one in the SD feed and one in the borders for the HD. :tdown:
At least Fox got it figured out for last night’s episode. Good thing it was HD, because this show from a plot standpoint is really starting to let me down. If they had screwed up the HD again last night I probably would have just watched something else.
so its not just me that found last season a lot more compelling
At least Fox got it figured out for last night’s episode. Good thing it was HD, because this show from a plot standpoint is really starting to let me down. If they had screwed up the HD again last night I probably would have just watched something else.
Yeah I feel like the show is losing steam. I think there is not enough ass kicking by Jack. Him destroying people = gold.