Official: "Anyone else sick?" thread.

im not surprised either…I have the worst fucking luck of anybody I know. Ah well. Shit happens. Honestly…I could use the rest. I’ve been going every fucking day non stop for a few months now and frankly im getting hella burnt out. Thats why I’m rarly on anymore. Between working at Darian Lake, landscaping with my dad, workin on the car/truck, doing shit with the gf, and the fire co…I haven’t had a day to just relax in months. I just wish it was under different circomstances that I get the time off…like a vacation or something lol.

depends on which kind it is, infectious which can start like a cold, or if its from inhaling something.

dopesnt help that I used to smoke like a chimney untill recently.

Depending on the type of pneumonia you got… community acquired pneumonia is mainly caused by the bacteria Streptococcus pneumoniae (I’m studying this bug as a graduate student). Even though there are two vaccines out, there’s still a 5-15% colonization (where you don’t even know you have it, and your body clears it over time) in the adult populace at any time. Children have up to 50% colonization rate depending on the age group… with children under 5 being the most colonized. Usually only children, elderly and immune-compromised people may get disease after being colonized. You can probably thank your burned out condition for compromising your immune system. Hopefully the antibiotics will kick it in the ass.

Well seeing anything bad that can happen…happens to you this is actually no fucking surprise…

I am waiting for a thread by you called “so I have leprosy”


lol…yeah right. one day you’ll be cruizin the forum and see the thread “anybody else having problems with appendages falling off randomly?”

I got a pretty bad cold going. I thought it was just a sore throat but today the right side of my head is all congested and I feel worse than I did when I thought I was as sick as I could get. Doh!

not sick…but been stuck at home since thursday cause of surgery. :confused:

Bump. Die you fucking head cold! :violin:

If you’re not gone by tomorrow night I will drink you away and it won’t be pretty for either of us.

I’m with you. Ugh.

wtf. I have been sick since 2 days after I got home from Italy. I thought it was just me getting adult onset allergies but turned into a 2 week long head cold. So far all I have left is a runny nose that wont go away with a mild cough.