In. But will need a ride.
Im in. probably taking the Speed3. I think my car is full though. Id prefer blood stained sheets. idgaf.
Im in for the Sheridan, I dont recall it being more than $100 in 09 but it doesn’t matter either way. My euro my be literally blown for this year so idk what my arrangements will be for this year, but either way im in.
I think I’d like to hit this up with NYSpeed this yr. I usually end up there with others, and never see anyone from back home.
So, what’s the final say on a hotel? Sheridan or Holiday Inn? I want to book a room asap.
Anyone else have an opinion on the hotel before I make the Sheraton official?
If my car is done, I owe you for soooooo many shotguns, lol.
Last call before I make the Sheraton official!
Aaaaannnnndddddd the Sheriton it is :tup:
I’ll be booking my room this weekend.
Im going. Just need to decide if im taking the sti or riding in Brads new s2k. If I take the STI your more then welcome to ride
Just booked my room at the Sheraton.
If anyone wants to do the same you can use this link:
hop in with me you sexy bitch.
who wants to split a room?
4 people in a double bed room is about $30 per person. :tup:
Cock Pit crew + 1. Go.
can i join?
sure. book the room.
whoes this entail? walker just text me lol
big e, ian, myself and j00.
Im in too. How many rooms you guys getting or should I just book my own?