Official bored & stuck in the house thread.........

No fucking gym tonight!
No hanging out instead of gym n havin a few beers.
No drunkin sled riding.
No way of even getting out of my fuckin Mt.Everest driveway at all tonight.

Fuck,i hate freezing rain…y can’t it just fucking snow!

yep yer a homo.

i just got back from the gym awhile ago. but ive been sitting here making crap and I need to go out. Been in the house to long, im bustin out this bitch.

been in the house all day

Ya well…fuck u!:bigthumb:


…was hangin out with Sailor Jerry, but now there aint even any more of that…time for Stoli.

actually car is frozen shut so i dunno wtf im gonna do

I gotta drive home in 9 minutes. How bad are the roads, really?


They are bad, man. Be careful.

you guys are such pussies. i think imgoin to the bar

They are bad, man. Be careful.

Thanks…this is going to suck. I’m driving from Parkway Center to McCandless.


ever ice skate before?

if only u had a remote start

more shit to go wrong

Ur huffy got that?

The roads are fine as long as you know how to drive. Ive been out in this shit all day just use common sense and youll be fine.

This attitude gets people who think they know but dont really know how to drive in trouble…in other words use caution, havent been out in a few hours but was told there are some bad spots by a friends out saltin/plowin