OFFICIAL Buffalo Sabres Thread


oh god and vanek is gonna want a contract this year, and Roy. ITs really gonna be an interesting one.


fwiw and for how much i bash on vanek, hes going to DESERVE a solid contract after the season he’s having, the biggest stat being that hes PLUS 37 which is second best only to lidstrom whos been the leagues top defenseman for the past century, first in goals, second in PP goals, and most shots on goal…he’ll get a good contract…

shit, even roy is having a solid season, second in buff in +/-, almost 50 points, averaging almost 20 minutes a game…thats respectable…not worthy of huuuuuuuuuuuuuuge contract but a good one to show our dedication to him staying a sabre

kotalik on the other hand, sitting at -2 is amongst the worst on the team, is having a somewhat lacking season, and really has only come on as of late and in shootouts…if he hadnt of gone down, i bet he would have been traded off…we don’t need his bloated contract to pay for a shootout only player…