OFFICIAL Buffalo Sabres Thread

:word: philly is really pushing to pick up briere and drury together

87fox was hammered last time…I hope you show up to tonights game lol

yeah he was. I cringed when he dropped his dip-n-dots spoon, loaded with dip-n-dots, on the floor. He then picked it up and proceded to eat it…i saw him chew a pube.

87FoxGT is a drunken detached pube chewer.

buffalo won’t let that happen

i hope


They can’t let them both get away. I hpe its Drury that stays too. I just don’t trust Briere.

same, but it seems like briere is just automatic for points this season

i think he’ll want more than 5mil a season…and i think thats too rich for buffalos wallet without having the name “hasek”…

He is clutch but after the negotiations last year he just rubbed me the wrong way. When he was saying that he hoped they would keep the team together it seemed like he was really saying that he hoped the sabres paid him what he thought he was worth and didn’t care about anything else. There is just something i really don’t like about him that has nothing to do with his performance which is great.

One of my co-workers is under the fairy tale land impression that these guys all want to stay together and they’ll work out the salary thing to keep the team together.

Ya right. Mr, “I told the owner to do what was needed to keep the group together” Briere went to arbitration last year knowing full well the award he got would probably mean some people were leaving, like his buddy JP. Free agents will be looking for the big money contract next year regardless of what team writes the check. I fully expect to loose Briere, Drury or both to Philly.

But to give these guys credit, I can’t say I wouldn’t do the same thing. A pro sports career can be over in one hit, especially with someone like Bettman running the show. Even if you make it through without some career ending injury your actual earning years are still pretty compressed compared to the regular 8-5ers like myself. I don’t make anywhere near 5 million a year, but the chances of me sitting here writing code and having some co-worker cross check me from behind into a wall, ending my career, are pretty slim. For the couple guys that might get a broadcast contract when they’re done 100’s simply disappear into alumni books. I’d want to make as much as possible as quickly as possible too.

Yeah for the most part I think he deserves the money but at the end of the season there is no way he gives a damn about his teammates.

they win a cup this year, i dont give a fuck who stays and who goes

HAHA I need 12 in a row.

hasek > briere

At goltending, vodka drinking, and young girl touching.

I hate to say it, but +1. Don’t need back to back cups, one would make me happy.

i see drury as the guy taking a paycut to stay, but i dont think briere will

i met briere during and after his arbitration and he is such a nice person face to face, but after talking to my buddy who is darcys assistant, he is just in it for dee cash. supposively buffalo offered him 5 year 4.5 mill and he refused to take it over 1/2 a mill

but seriously, as long as we have miller in goal for most games, let the buffchester sabricans come to life next year…fuck the big contracts, we’ll be a team of all sub 3 million players…and dominate lol

yes… you just named the most important things in life. thank you for agreeing :slight_smile:

and i think our team will be at least reasonably good for a few years, but… it does suck to kill the chemistry by losing a leader… b/c he (or they) will want that extra 700k. myself, 98% of people, and im sure 75-80% of athletes would be happy with GOOD compensation, and winning championships while having a good time doing so.

Cut Briere, the hell with him. Millers contract gains a million a year for the next couple of years 2mil, 2.5 mil, 3.5 mil. Hes gonna make the cap interesting in a few years.

I really could also do without kotalik.

oh god and vanek is gonna want a contract this year, and Roy. ITs really gonna be an interesting one.

fwiw and for how much i bash on vanek, hes going to DESERVE a solid contract after the season he’s having, the biggest stat being that hes PLUS 37 which is second best only to lidstrom whos been the leagues top defenseman for the past century, first in goals, second in PP goals, and most shots on goal…he’ll get a good contract…

shit, even roy is having a solid season, second in buff in +/-, almost 50 points, averaging almost 20 minutes a game…thats respectable…not worthy of huuuuuuuuuuuuuuge contract but a good one to show our dedication to him staying a sabre

kotalik on the other hand, sitting at -2 is amongst the worst on the team, is having a somewhat lacking season, and really has only come on as of late and in shootouts…if he hadnt of gone down, i bet he would have been traded off…we don’t need his bloated contract to pay for a shootout only player…


After missing four games due to a concussion, Drury is expected to play Wednesday night when the Eastern Conference-leading Sabres host the Colorado Avalanche.