OFFICIAL Buffalo Sabres Thread

This game so far is pathetic…we played good in the first but now nothing is clicking, we cant connect passes we are just giving the puck to them

I fucking hate Ottawa!

i am going up there for the game on Feb 22nd, and I will be kicked out of Canada.

So whens their next game? lol.

easy there cochise, i didnt say 4 losses in their last 5 games :ohsnap:

yeah the sens have the sabres number again this year… Oh well they are still on top of the division but i don’t like to see this.

Oh well, they’ll fall apart in the playoffs like every other year

Nice shot by Gaustad, and nice move by Schafer :tup:

[QUOTE=OfficerK]I fucking hate Ottawa!


Me too. I wish Heatley would go kill some more teammates. Namely all of them.

Oh well, its only one game. It’ll be that much nicer to whoop them in the playoffs again!!

Me too. I wish Heatley would go kill some more teammates. Namely all of them.

Oh well, its only one game. It’ll be that much nicer to whoop them in the playoffs again!!

we cant beat ottawa for shit lol

Wow was Goose pissed! I was hoping that he’d smear Neil. Got his jersey over his head, just couldn’t get his arms loose.

Im pretty dissapointed, that last 5 mins we starting playing better if only we couldve done that in the second period. Although if Emery didnt bring his A game i think the game wouldve been much closer. We had so many chances in the 1st period 19-8 margin

First period was awesome , but emery was and is too damn fast and good, i hate that fucker.Thank god max gave him a good run for his money and fired that nice shot in even tho it was pointless cause theres no way we were gonna win.After the first period, besides the goals scored , nothing good happed at all.We gave that fuckin puck away soo many times,Miller was a little off tonight but we cant really blame him a few shots were random flukes and the others he had No defense to help him out.We skated slow and sloppy and our passing totally sucked after the first period.We deserved the loss and hopefully learn from it.They didnt even have spezza vermette , ir that other guy and they still murdered us.I mean almost all of the other losses , spezza had a big part of scoring multiple times. I deff thought this game would be alot closer of a game and that we would of pulled it off. :tdown: for the loss and tallinder getting injured again.How about the goose flipping out on the sticks in the hallway? lol

why was he so mad? I turned it back on when he was fighting

why did Neil get a Misconduct (10 min)?

can i come?

i really want to knock more of heatley’s teeth out…

that ugly fuck

After the refs came in to break it up Neil took more swings at Gaustad, the only thing i can think of.

Yeah, and it’s the number 4

Aka, when ever there are 5 players vs 4 players, we’re fucked. Doesn’t even matter if it’s 5 sabres vs 4 senators. They scored 1 short handed goal tonight but could have had 4 had Miller not bailed us out several times.

Ottawa Power Play: 3 for 4
Buffalo Power Play: 0 for 5, gave up a shorthanded goal, and several shorthanded scoring chance. Didn’t get a single shot on goal during a minute and a half of 4 on 3.

If there is one thing that really concerns me about our playoff hopes this year it’s our abysmal special teams play.

Example #34586757 of things to say to make you look like an idiot.

ottawa is no joke.

ohhhhhhhhh u got me, who cares…really.