OFFICIAL Buffalo Sabres Thread

The defense sucked and the officiating sucked I thought. That elbow on Pominville early in the game. Ah well, just have to regroup tomorrow.

anaheim lost some key players… thats the only reasoin they have been slowed down. both of their goalies… Mike Wall was playing in net for them for 3 games giving us the time to catch up…

on another note… WHY CAN’T WE BEAT OTTAWA, GOD DAMN IT!!

anyone hear anything else about Tallinder’s latest injury?

Henrik Tallinder left Wednesday’s game midway through the second period at Ottawa due to a lower body injury.
(Updated 01/04/2007).

i love how vague they are with injuries… this could mean a broken rib… or a bruise.

AT LEAST its not another fucking broken arm

Lower body - Questionable for Jan. 5 vs. Pittsburgh
(Updated - 1/4/07)

didn’t see that part…

edit: as for connelly Staff -
Thursday, December 28, 2006

Update: Connolly (concussion/neck) is continuing to ride an exercise bike but is still experiencing headaches and doctors have not pinpointed the cause of his pain, head coach Lindy Ruff told the Sabres’ official site.

Recommendation: There is some doubt as to whether Connolly is suffering from post-concussion syndrome or if he has a disc problem in his neck. Connolly is not currently skating and is trying to get back into shape. His physical activity has been very limited since he suffered a possible concussion on May 8. A best-case scenario has Connolly returning to game action in February.

lets hope for february

anything about connolly?

Talinder has a sprained ankle

yea lets hope sabres get their shit 2gether 2nite

Word! They don’t need to lose to the future homless team.

BTW How fucked up is that situation in Pittsburgh? I know the town is full of shitheads but i don’t ever like to see them lose a team.

They pwned us for most of last year too, don’t get too worried about it yet.

Dead last, Awesome!

They can wear fuckin pink dresses as long as they are winning.

I agree i just won’t buy anyhthing with the slug on it which is hard! I found a good shirt with the old logo though.

I agree. has a couple cool old logo shirts.

barring a catastrophic collapse, the first game that matters for the sabres is in april. everyone that sweats the details on a game to game basis needs to cool out.

lol… dead last. ok… except for the fact that the sabres jersey is the hottest selling jersey’s in the NHL

Unless something has changed, it’s THE hottest selling.

fixed :slight_smile:

And Roy stuffs it in the corner!!!

Fast paced period. Hopefully Pittsburgh won’t catch on to the secret to beating the Sabres, which is giving them a Powerplay. lol.

lmao very true