OFFICIAL Buffalo Sabres Thread

DRURY FTW! Great plays by Gaustad, Briere and Drury all.


Yeah…that was a pretty decent shot from Malkin…

what a shitty team. they better shape up before the playoffs.


crosby malkin line is dangerous…damn good shot from malkin

There is really no reason for our powerplay to struggle like this with the amount of talent that we have.


no shit… they are impressive…

The amount of Crosby leg humpers in the arena was crazy. I guess if you like whiney bitches, that’s the jersey to get. Both him and Malkin are the real deal though. I can’t help to think we might of done better had we played the body more on both of them. I know they’re big, but it’ll at least slow done a little bit. Colby Armstrong impresses me too. He throws himself around like he knows no pain. That earns respect in my book.


Or the #1 scorer in the NHL at present.

WE NEED SOME FUCKING PEOPLE IN FRONT OF THE NET FOR REBOUNDS AND DEFLECTIONS!!! The past few games ive noticed that no one is ever there for any loose pucks or rebounds in front of the net .I like vanek alot and hes a very talented player but he played horrible tonight and gave/ lost the puck soo many times and missed soo many good opportunities to have a big goal.It was a close game and shit we just really, really need to get people infront of that fuckin net and get tallinder back lol. Oh well :tup: for nice goals by roy drury.

ehh vaneks play was alright, nothing out of the ordinary for him. It seemed that the vanek/breire/god line was the only one that showed up all night. As well I was very impressed by Lydman’s play last night pretty solid on the back end

Yea lydman was deff on top of the game last night *, he was one of the only ones making nice defensive plays.

I felt otherwise.

I felt Briere’s play was poor.

There was just a lack of effort last night. On the dump ins there was no hard forecheck.

I will give credit to 'Burghs defense last nite. They played a clean good game.

Oh, and the Buffalo powerplay is atrocious. I don’t care that they got a PPG last nite. Overall, they look like complete shit on the PP.

Laugh at me if I’m wrong, but I think Buffalo is going to blow out Toronto tonight. Darcy Tucker is highly doubtful to play, Kyle Wellwood, Nik Antropov and Alex Ponikarovski are all out for sure tonight.

Tucker always gives buffalo trouble and the other 3 are pretty key players to be missing. Plus, Buffalo is pissed. Actually, Ruff is pissed.

6-1 good guys

i agree with the win but coming off a game, we’ve shown we are horrible having another game right away, this is in toronto too right?

i think a 4-3 win

Toronto will be our PP slump buster, say like 2-3/5

I’m not too sure about that. The Sabres are usually better during the latter game when they play 2 in a row. Tonights game has a recipe for being a blowout. TO just destroyed Boston 10-2 thursday night, Buffalo knows they are better than how they have been playing, and who better than Toronto to kick some ass? Plus all the injuries that they have now.

Idk, I’m probably wrong, but I’m hoping that it won’t even be close.

I’m hoping so too.
I’m also hoping Tallinder grows Kevlar for skin and wears a suit of armor… I hate having him out. Nothing against Paetsch.

i thought it was the other way around where they suffered, on the second game . i could be wrong i didn’t look it up … but hey lets just hope for a win and see what happens