this reminds me of a convo i was having with someone last week… i think unless we move to trade for a physical presence on d at the trade deadline this year, its really gonna hurt us in the playoffs. yes i know we get our hits here and there, but we don’t have anyone on the backline that can really wear down a player on a consistent basis, which becomes huge in a drawn out playoff series.
omg im am in heaven so far!
I love Maxy’s ‘I don’t give a fuck if you’re bigger than me I’m gonna pound you’ attitude.
were playing pretty good!
We look great! two nice goals and then max gettin back @ that fag who nailed him. I dont balme biron for it he had like 4 ppl directly infront of him and couldnt see a thing.Our defense shoulda had that. :tup: for a great period.
sundin and o’neill both in the box at the end
what fucking morons
That was pretty close…yeesh…
Well played sir :tup:
way to miss an open net pohl… rofl
sundin is such a little bitch as well, jesus he needs his fucking ass BEAT
refs favored leafs so hard
Hahahaha pohl what an idiot , but then again vanek has done that a few times in the past few games only not that bad lol.Fuck sundin i wanted goose to go after him and beat his ass. Yea the refs did favor the leafs there were soo many bulshit calls and need for calls that never happend. Fuck the leafs! Good close game:tup:
I believe that puts us on top…thanks leafs
the penalties WOW… i don’t know how they weren’t in that game jesus…
we kind of got lucky though we got out shot, and thank god for good scoring chances and finishing it … that could have gotten nasty quick
Edit: oh… and!! at the half way point with the lead doing some incredibly hard math our projects stats are … 60-18-6
wins = 60 (best ever) (2 off of the most wins ever in a season)
pts = 126 (best ever)
GF = 328 (4th best ever)
GA = 244 (ugh)
hopefully turn some of those regulation losses into OTL’s or wins
YAY!! heres to a great season thus far, 42 games and only had 9 games that didn’t count for any kind of points, I’ll take it…
Now all we need is the PP to start clicking, a few less penalties, stop the ridiculous amount of breakaways, and tac 42 more wins onto the 32 we already have
the Sabres scored 2 shit goals early, and they held on for the rest of the game. Very unimpessive game for Buffalo. :tup: for beating my Leafs. a win is a win and i wouldnt be bitching if my Leafs won that way so we wait till next week when TO comes here.
Because the leafs three goals were spectacular:rolljerk: The 3 on 5 was a good goal but their first goal was pretty similar to buffalo’s first two golas and their third goal was pure luck that biron didn’t have his glove half an inch higher. I don’t see why screen shots are garbage goals.