OFFICIAL Buffalo Sabres Thread

god dammit i need to find a site to d/l this game!



god dammit i need to find a site to d/l this game!


kicking myself for not DVRing it


god dammit i need to find a site to d/l this game!


word and word… i want to watch it over and over and over

Wish I got tickets to more games. I have to wait til the Jersey game in March.

You have no clue how pumped I am!!!

I am going to Ottawa for Saturdays game!!!

leaving tomorrow and I am gonna be loud and hopefully kicked out of America jr!

video of tonights brawl…enjoy!!

BEST GAME OF THE SEASON HOLY SHIT and yes im still yelling now haha


video of tonights brawl…enjoy!!


HAHA… Awesome to watch again :slight_smile:
Saturdays game is going to be nuts


video of tonights brawl…enjoy!!


whoa verah nice find.


How can you not call that trip on Vanek a penalty, then call Briere for that non-hook?


That’s a fine question. It’s rare that sports gets me to the point where I’m yelling at the TV, but the no call, followed by the weaksauce call had me there.


video of tonights brawl…enjoy!!


I love you.

watching ruff’s post game comments…some dumbass reporter is like “chris neil thinks the hit wasnt dirty”…i hope he gets his fucking head knocked off saturday…

well ruff said drury could be out for a few games (possibly)

whos next to come from rochester??? I say wither Marek Zagrapan or Dylan Hunter

y dont u guys put a tape in or whatever when they replay the game tomorrow thats what im doin


y dont u guys put a tape in or whatever when they replay the game tomorrow thats what im doin



they replay the game at noon the following day. i think he’s saying DVR it then




yea they always replay it starting at noon the next day

Anyone catch murray’s response…

ITs gonna be a FUCKING GAME TO WATCH on saturday. Holy shit. its go time I can’t fucking wait


they replay the game at noon the following day. i think he’s saying DVR it then


Just set it for noon tomorrow and 8pm saturday :slight_smile:

Yea, seriously I just want to punch murray right in the fucking mouth. Dumb schmuk…

Not dirty my ass

omg ottawa’s coach still thinks it was a clean hit WTF i hope someone from buffalo shoots the puck at their bench and hit him in the head saturday. then he goes on and says about how drury’s helmet was not on right. i hope lindy does the same thing saturday that he did today, go after their players