OFFICIAL Buffalo Sabres Thread

well technically a late hit is still a dirty hit, regardless of how it was delivered. yeah he didnt elbow him which is good, but i bet the cut was caused from the shoulder pad hitting drury’s face. i don’t think that hitting your face/head flat on the ice typically causes a gash needing over 20 stitches.

that being said, it was a blindside hit just a second or two late where he could have just gone for the body. but he did go kinda high, which is what lindy is pissed about.


i don’t think that hitting your face/head flat on the ice typically causes a gash needing over 20 stitches.


shoulder PADS don’t cause gashes brother :wink: thats from head + ice

and yes, it was definitely a high follow thru and very late, but there won’t be a suspension for it…just headhunting on saturday…

“oh yes, there will be blood”

and from around the league

carolina gets anson carter for a 5th round pick, ugh…we could have used his muscle for down the stretch much like grier during last years playoff run…

This game has eaten up 9 pages so far, awesome. Kevyn Adams hasn’t moved yet, has he?


drury displaying concussion like symptons = FTL !!!

drury = 2nd sabre knocked out with a concussion by ottawa

just don’t tell me it was neil who knocked out connolly as well…

*edit, nope it was schaeffer…


shoulder PADS don’t cause gashes brother :wink: thats from head + ice

and yes, it was definitely a high follow thru and very late, but there won’t be a suspension for it…just headhunting on saturday…

“oh yes, there will be blood”

and from around the league

carolina gets anson carter for a 5th round pick, ugh…we could have used his muscle for down the stretch much like grier during last years playoff run…


wow, only a 5th round pick huh… sadly thats a good move by carolina.

and about the hit, and everyone trying to say if it was an elbow or not or dirty or not, its easily answered. LATE hit + blindside = dirty hit, no if’s and’s or but’s about it.


or you can just be a douche bag and post something like this.

but no… why would someone want the whole game and make custom clips, no one wants that…

so yes, lets just sit on youtube, and use shitty clips that other people make, and post 15 to 200 times


He asked, “Is it possible to download videos from youtube”. I gave him a link that lets you download videos from youtube. Then you, like usual, post something completely useless to a question that has already been answered. You=the douchbag.

But anyway. A lot of people here are work think there will be suspensions. I really have my doubts there will be any, maybe a small one for Peters for late joining the fight with Emery.

ugh carter would have been great to have. kieth tkachuk would be great too. oh well, in darcy we trust

Kevyn Adams would be a solid pick up also heard a rumor of Biron/Kotalik for Dereck Morris and Curtis Joseph which would just be awful. I also heard Biron to Tampa for Fedetenko which is better than the Phoenix deal but still leaves us without a backup goalie.

click on The Ottawa song (Brawling Reemix) … hahahaha amazing

lots of videos of players and coaches at the bottom of this article


I work in the Sabres office lol


:lol: I see.

so whats the word on connolly is he comin back or what?


so whats the word on connolly is he comin back or what?


no he’s not coming back i just talked to him and he said he cant go on living a lie anymore so he is quitting the nhl and chasing his dream to become a vegas showgirl.


of course hes coming back. hopefully in time for the first round :tup:


no he’s not coming back i just talked to him and he said he cant go on living a lie anymore so he is quitting the nhl and chasing his dream to become a vegas showgirl.


Hmm, that sounds more like skunks fantasy.

Sabres co-captain Chris Drury is out indefinitely

Wow, this is fucking garbage. There is nothing like being the number one team in the NHL and losing 8 fucking guys…

not only that, OTT, TOR, MON, TOR in the next five games wtf man 8 points are pretty much just given away. I have total confidence in our rochester, but WTF man…

who’s next, if briere gets knocked out or anything stupid. Lindy and squad should just go in after the intermission and not come out, fuck the rest of the game and forfeit thats fucking bullshit.

tomorrow, if there is more bad news about drury. I can only imagine this game being the worst game ever played in the NHL, If i was on the bench i would have my skates off already and ready stab someone


Sabres co-captain Chris Drury is out indefinitely

Wow, this is fucking garbage. There is nothing like being the number one team in the NHL and losing 8 fucking guys…

not only that, OTT, TOR, MON, TOR in the next five games wtf man 8 points are pretty much just given away. I have total confidence in our rochester, but WTF man…

who’s next, if briere gets knocked out or anything stupid. Lindy and squad should just go in after the intermission and not come out, fuck the rest of the game and forfeit thats fucking bullshit.

tomorrow, if there is more bad news about drury. I can only imagine this game being the worst game ever played in the NHL, If i was on the bench i would have my skates off already and ready stab someone


everytime i see the hit i get more pissed

all this hype about tonight… i doubt anything big will happen. You will def. see McGrattan and Peters go at it, but i think that may be it. But to get u started, here is a Peters/McGrattan fight :slight_smile:


all this hype about tonight… i doubt anything big will happen. You will def. see McGrattan and Peters go at it, but i think that may be it. But to get u started, here is a Peters/McGrattan fight :slight_smile:


lol, i remember that one. everyone was proud for peters pulling up once he was hurt. :eekdance: