OFFICIAL Buffalo Sabres Thread

This is the second game in a row I’ve been left to wonder, what the fuck is the starting goalie still doing in net?

woowwww :tspry:

and now a philly penalty!


i cannot stop laughing

“WE WANT 10”

fuck 10, lets get 15!!!

Not for nothing, I’m ok with double digits regardless of the number against Philly.

I checked the score at the end of the first, 0-0, hopped in the shower and got something to eat, and come back to see the score 9-1 haha.

Lets go buffalo :tup:

shit man whats up with buffalo they have not scored in the last few minuets

Yeah, because Peters, Mair and Gaustad have been on the ice for like 8 minutes this period.

Have a nice trip home Philly.

The Flyer’s management might want to put Ken Hitchcock on suicide watch tonight.

what a fucking game!!!

:word: lol

i heart the sabres

82-0 still alive!

holy hell…YAY. i so happy right now.

sabres are a FUCKING MACHINE…fuck

man i wanted to go to that game too

What an awesome game but if i have to hear an announcer with a Boston accent again i might have to stab somebody. VS. blows

i was listening to the shred and regan montage of what they did last season when they were playin philly in the playoffs, it was hillarious

he was from jersey…and yeah he was annoying petAA forsbahg