OFFICIAL Buffalo Sabres Thread

ya after the first period i turned on 550… i couldnt stand listening to those guys acting like reporters, then telling the history of the sabres…

I just got back from the game, it almost like last year when we blew them out in the playoffs. Crowd was nuts tonight.

um… 6 and 0

enough said

I just got back from the game too. Was awesome…
6 and 0 :slight_smile:

I think Philly got on the plane and started the trip home after the first. Well, mentally anyway.

Max with 5 points. Vanek with 4. Unreal.

Who was that goalie that got picked ahead of Miller to play for Team USA?? Oh the guy that let in 9 goals tonight! Its no wonder we didn’t win gold!!



good call! lol

Heh, thanks.

Worth watching a couple times!!

Good Fucking game…82-0!!!

I was waiting for the U-S-A chants like last year.

haha nice

as much as i don’t like esche i gotta say they definitly left him out to try tonite, he had no chance on pretty much all 9 goals…either perfect shots ( novotny and tallinder) or tic tac toe setups / rebounds

Yeah, Max just made 3rd best on the top ten ESPN, vanek made fith. GO SABRESSSSSSSSS

did any1 else hear the stats that rick jeanneret said on the radio? announced that buffalo sabres merch accounted for over 10 percent of all sales last week from their website.

AND on top of that the sabres jersey is the #1 sold jersey from them so far this season

talk about people jumping on the band wagon early this year…

^^ lol i heard that. I just kept laughing

The Game, for being a game… not so awesome. The Sabres showing, definently awesome. Every line we have is fast, strong, and exciting to watch.

Everybody around me at the game hated me because i was whistling so loud. I was estatic.

NOt surprised that Esche was left out to get smoked time and time again. He said some not so nice things about his coach.

“I don’t try to get in his head. It’s an empty place”.

Also, would you rather see fans in Buffalo boycott the new logo and not buy merchandise, or would you rather see fans support the team, like they are, and buy. I thin kit looks terrible when they show the arena with 4215652 different Sabres Jerseys. Support the team…

i went to a local bar around here for the game and figured it was best to leave at the end of the 2nd period. I was starting to get some evil stares, i guess it was obvious i was a sabres fan.

Roby this AM on WGR: “If you can tell me this team’s weakness, I’ll make you a watch.”

:eyebrow: :lol: