OFFICIAL Buffalo Sabres Thread

look, i didnt come to talk shit. i came stating my opinion that the #1 team in the NHL has its hands full right now that all. Oh, and apparently because some people dont think I know, the Toronto Maple Leafs did not make the playoffs. NO SHIT-- think of something else to tell me

Don Imus sucks more ass than your nappy headed leafs


Don Imus sucks more ass than your nappy headed leafs


Don IMUS firing was an injustice!

so take that nappy headed 2turboZ

p.s. and since your such a big Sabres fan, let keep this thread dedicated to the Sabres ok buddy? so keep sitting in front of Itagaki’s TV, pal.


Don IMUS firing was an injustice!

so take that nappy headed 2turboZ

p.s. and since your such a big Sabres fan, let keep this thread dedicated to the Sabres ok buddy? so keep sitting in front of Itagaki’s TV, pal.


such angst.

Gladly…his tv is the secks…and it has HD…which is soooo sweet for watching PLAYOFF HOCKEY :stuck_out_tongue:


how bout the no call on Mair when he hit that guy from behind and then went and scored that goal?

how bout calling 2, YES 2 penalties on the same play (when does that happen in the playoffs?) and one being a double minor. the high stick was bullshit, but ill agree with the interference.

face it boys, your team isnt really that good, and its already starting to show. honestly if you can sit there and tell me 3 games in the Sabres are impressive so far, ill tell you the Leafs suck.


how about the no call on the cross check to the face on drury? how about the blatant boarding of pominville face first into the boards with no call? seriously, are you that blind? is your vision that selective? im going to start referring to you as larue

hrm, what ABOUT calling 2 penalties on a play where THERE WAS 2 penalties, one of which involved drawing blood thus a 4 minute penalty…omg you get dumber as the season progresses. you need to stick to being a stupid leafs fan and not an absolutely retarded embarassment of an islanders fan…if any islanders fans actually exist

personally i havent seen ANY sign of our team slowing down. take for example shots, as thats usually a telltale of how potent a team COULD be…remember back in game 1 where the isles didnt get a shot until 15 minutes in? remember that blowout? that makes them the better team right? yea obviously. game two, they come out shooting, score 2 weak albeit goals, and they win game 2 by a HAIR, but they deserved it b/c buffalo played like ass in the 1st period. letdown? maybe…dippy was hot and won the game for them, no difficult decision there. that makes the sabres bad? go stand on the golf course and root for sundin and kaberle there. GAME THREE, yet again the islanders don’t deserve to stand in the same rink as buffalo. they pull within a goal with 5 seconds left in the 2nd period and THEN THEY ONLY HAD 2 SHOTS ON NET IN THE THIRD PERIOD B/C THEY SUCK. dipietro is their lifeblood and their ONLY chance at winning another game. their offense blows, their defense blocks a ton of shots yet can’t seem to get a stick on any “fast” sabre, and dipietro is making 30+ saves a game.

yea, “our team” is really starting to show they suck :ham: i can’t WAIT to hear you start rooting for the lightning next round :roll2:

mair KINDA hit him from behind. it was also KINDA from the side angle. remember he did get called for interference at another point in the game on a similar hit when the puck wasnt there… but on the scoring play, it was borderline.

the interference against the NYI happened, and the high stick DREW BLOOD. the refs saw it, its a 4 minute penalty. how can you complain about that?

obviously buff isnt gonna blow anyone away, its the playoffs and most games are close, crazy, and decided by 1 goal. thats how you determine who the best team really is… maybe we’re not as “impressive” as in some reg. season games, but we sure as hell are on the way.


how bout the no call on Mair when he hit that guy from behind and then went and scored that goal?

how bout calling 2, YES 2 penalties on the same play (when does that happen in the playoffs?) and one being a double minor. the high stick was bullshit, but ill agree with the interference.

face it boys, your team isnt really that good, and its already starting to show. honestly if you can sit there and tell me 3 games in the Sabres are impressive so far, ill tell you the Leafs suck.


here we go sabres here we go!!!




hey fuckface- in case you havent figured it out yet, im rooting for any team that plays against the Sabres.

am i gonna have to go Cho Seung-hui, a 23-year-old English major from South Korea up in this muthafucka???


the high stick was bullshit,



Maxy got whacked in the face with a stick and was bleeding…thats a double minor.

There really isn’t room for opinion there. It’s simple.


hey fuckface- in case you havent figured it out yet, im rooting for any team that plays against the Sabres.


hey fuckface, in case you havent figured it out yet, thats why i rag on you…b/c you’re an ignorant bandwagoneer…

you had some class at least sticking with one team in the leafs…now you’re just a lost cause…


you had some class at least sticking with one team in the leafs…now you’re just a lost cause…




p.s. and since your such a big Sabres fan, let keep this thread dedicated to the Sabres ok buddy?



am i gonna have to go Cho Seung-hui, a 23-year-old English major from South Korea up in this muthafucka???


heed your own fucking advice


how bout calling 2, YES 2 penalties on the same play (when does that happen in the playoffs?) and one being a double minor. the high stick was bullshit, but ill agree with the interference.


2 penalties were deserved because there were two seperate infractions before the Isles gained posession. You agree with the interference, so lets move on to the high stick that happened about 5 seconds later. Max gets hit in the lip with a stick, his lip is bleeding, seems like a simple enough call to anyone but a Leaf’s fan. I suppose you’d just let that high stick to the face go since there was already a previous penalty called right? Sounds like Toronto’s style of hockey. I thought Toronto fans only cried about every single penatly they got, now I see you even whine about penalties when they go to OTHER teams.

Attention Toronto fans. This is not the old NHL, where clutching, grabbing, hooking and high sticking were allowed.

And calling the Mair hit a penalty, now I know you’re just trying to start drama. The guy sees Mair coming, and less than a second before the hit he spins his back to him in attempt to protect the puck. I just watched the highlight over at 5 times, no way that was anything but a good clean open ice hit.


I thought Toronto fans only cried about every single penatly they got, now I see you even whine about penalties when they go to OTHER teams


no, “leafs fans” only cry about how they missed the most games due to injuries and thats why they didnt make the playoffs :bloated:


hey fuckface, in case you havent figured it out yet, thats why i rag on you…b/c you’re an ignorant bandwagoneer…

you had some class at least sticking with one team in the leafs…now you’re just a lost cause…


but yet, you STILL dont get it. let me try again.

2. Leafs not in playoffs.
3. I root for whoever plays against the Sabres just becasue i despise the Sabres.
3a. root does not mean bandwagon fan of some new team.
3b. so in other words if the Islanders beat the Sabres and went to round 2 i wouldnt root for the islanders. Im a Maple Leaf fan and the the Sabres being eliminated is good enough for me.

WELL WHAT ABOUT THE HIGH STICK IN GAME 2 THAT LEFT THAT ISLANDERS PLAYER ALL BLOODY? and there was NO penalty on that one. oh that doesnt count right :roll2: but when i sabre has a papercut on his lip its 4 mins.

i think the funniest part is that by the islanders sneaking into 8th… that kept the leafs out. so one would think jespo would be upset at the isles…

even funnier is the fact that if the leafs has snuck in, the series would be ending tomorrow night in toronto anyway, and he would be even angrier.

im done for today.