OFFICIAL Buffalo Sabres Thread

lol “and peters shoots one 10 FEET WIDE OF THE NET”

Oh yeah, before I forget: 8-0 on the way to 82-0.

PP time… AGAIN

Nothing like having at least one Sabre in the top 5 in the league in points, goals, assists and plus/minus.

Also, I really wouldn’t mind 7 goals, compliments of this power play.
1-2-3-4-5-6 NYSPEED WANTS 7!!!


i cannot wait till sabres come to tampa… in a little over a month!!!


Thats a REALLY empty building.

Tied with the best start in franchise history? Check.

:roll: :ohnoes:

I saw more Sabres fans at Boston then Boston fans lol

yea yea leafs have 10-0. like a decade ago. pfft

those two girls they showed with 50 seconds left in the third (who were cute, by the way) were wearing pretty cool shirts. blue with a yellow silhouette of the buffalo from the old logo. anyone know where they came from?

hyell yea dude sabres own so far

Says the fan of the 4-3 team. Go beat your chest hopelessly in your masterbatory Leafs thread.

lol, i noticed at the last minute of the game that the stadium was emptied of bruins fans. the only people left were sabres fans(which accounted for half the arena)

I really wondered that too…

I think the officials are afraid to bust out a PS in regular time, because that shit was a BLATENT take-down on a breakaway.

Good win.

Nothing like trouncing the HOME team 6-2 on a back-to-back game.

Momentum is on our side. That is for sure.

Oh, and Vanek’s shot on the breakaway was ridic. NOONE could’ve saved that. Such a quick release and such a perfect shot.

He really improved his game in the offseason, (at both ends of the rink). beching him last year during the playoffs was the best decision.

We’ll lose, but I cannot see this team going into a long slump at all this season because we have 4 amazing lines. Shit our 4th line has almost scored so many goals already.

And I love it when I realize that we are still playing without our most creative/talented offensive genious…

another well played game…

this upcoming week for the sabres is gonna be a tough one though

max roy vanek. insane scary line. i’m always just waiting for amazing things to happen with those hot dogs

So true. I’d be ok with that line not scoring one goal all year so long as they continue to apply pressure when their on the ice. We’re the only team in the league with a checking line that lives in the attack zone.

I think its confirmed, The Sabres would have won the cup without so many injuries.
This team is awesome.
That is all.

Who gives a shit? That was last year.

Vanek is turning into a beast. To say that he might end up like Satan is blasphemous. Novotny is putting in 100% for a FULL 60 minutes and I think he is going to have a breakout year next year. For this season, he will probably score 20 and end up with 40+ points. He just needs to get a little more comfortable and then he will start ripping it up.

Again, Biron plays a solid game. Nothing too spectacular, but he postioned himself nicely and the 2 he let in were pretty decent shots. Chara is a gooney bitch and honestly doesn’t seem to bring too much to the team. I’m sure Boston is happy that they spent $7 mil this year to watch him be useless.

Max. Well, Max is Max. His goal shouldn’t have counted because he was definitely off sides. We caught a break there, but so what, we still win 5-2. Toivenen drops his stick and instead of diving on the puck to cover it up, he tries to pick up the stick, lol. Caught another break there, but so what, we still win 4-2 :D.

All in all, I think Boston played a really great game, definitely outworked Buffalo, but the goaltending wasn’t there. The Sabres have to work on passing up the neutral zone- so many terrible passes that if we had been playing Carolina or another faster team like Montreal (which we will be playing them tomorrow night), they probably score. They are very far from perfect and I feel like they’ve been getting a lot of breaks, but they won’t always go towards the Sabs. So they have a lot to work on, but I’m still enjoying the ride for now.

Holla back Sabres!

One thing i just noticed, Vanek leads the league with a +10 rating, thats pretty bad ass.