OFFICIAL Buffalo Sabres Thread


its all over . . . . .


bandwagon jumper!

…we’ve won 4 straight before and never lost more than 3 straight this entire season.


Obviously not, or they wouldn’t even play a 4th game.


Seriously i have my doubts but if any team can pull off a miracle its them. Not the team that showed up last night but maybe the team from the last 3 minutes…


Seriously i have my doubts but if any team can pull off a miracle its them. Not the team that showed up last night but maybe the team from the last 3 minutes…


Sure, it doesn’t look good right now, and it may very well end tomorrow. But, if the Sabres go ape shit and win the next 4, I’m not going to be the one who was saying “See the series is over. The Sabres suck. Bring out the broom. I knew they couldn’t do it!” /douchebag voice

On the radio they said Ottawa has had only 8 losses since Christmas?!?
Did I hear that right?
Sabres are done.

Hey, at least you have the Bills to disappoint you all over again soon :slight_smile:


Hey, at least you have the Bills to disappoint you all over again soon :slight_smile:


I have the perfect plan for getting a hometown champion…

move to a new hometown.

is it a requirement of the an NHL goalie’s eyes to be un-level? Maybe it’s a secret to an ungodly depth preception phenomenon.

if Emery and Miller ever got into a staring contest, their eyes would match up perfectly.

^ :lol:

^Did you hear Saturdays game when they said, “The Sabres are putting “token” pressure on Emery”?

I am not kidding.

^ Yeah, I heard it. I actually hit jump back on the DVR to make sure I wasn’t hearing things. :slight_smile:


is it a requirement of the an NHL goalie’s eyes to be un-level? Maybe it’s a secret to an ungodly depth preception phenomenon.

if Emery and Miller ever got into a staring contest, their eyes would match up perfectly.




Hey, at least you have the Bills to disappoint you all over again soon :slight_smile:


Ban yourself. While you’re at it, socks in are teh ghey :2fingers:


is it a requirement of the an NHL goalie’s eyes to be un-level? Maybe it’s a secret to an ungodly depth preception phenomenon.

if Emery and Miller ever got into a staring contest, their eyes would match up perfectly.


:biglaugh: :rofl:


Hey, at least you have the Bills to disappoint you all over again soon :slight_smile:


Cant disappoint when there is 0 expectation.

:word: bills have been hopeless the last like 10 years


Fucking FUCK FUCK!!!

Can someone slit kalinins throat.

Play Stafford, Macarthur, Mair, Paetche


Mair is already playing.

Like, for the whole playoffs.

i still have faith. it’s not over till they’re shaking hands

:word: homie

You better play like that tonight too :lol:


Even if we don’t win, at least it would be entertaining watching him pinball off everything in red.



Even if we don’t win, at least it would be entertaining watching him pinball off everything in red.


i was thinking the same thing man we need some agression and some more hitter’s zubrus barely had any hits last game , he was the one being hit.