OFFICIAL Buffalo Sabres Thread

bad move max…


60 inches of pleasure :slight_smile: ken’s on his way over get your ass over here

in between . i will

Miller was being interfered with like a nutterbutter errr motherfucker.

Oh well, it should be like this all game. Im predicting a 6-5 sabres win.

get you ass over to mikes too!

Ahh, I would come over for the second, but it takes me like a half hour to get to mikes house.

fuck, i am so pissed that my new 61" isnt getting delivered till the morning. its killing me right now lol
cant believe i had to turn down a ticket to this fkn game

Dude, you drive a fucking SICK camaro, push that go pedal and get over here you sumbitchpileamonkeynuts!!!1!



there supposed to be showing the game in HD but some other gay show is on WTF?

hah that sucks man, 60 inch FTMFW…though i am pissed the game isnt showing up on HDNet :mad:


there we go… tied game again!

insane game


OMG Vanek is such a lazy bastard. Did you see how he was just standing in front of the net, doing nothing, waiting for the puck to come to him?! What a lazy and shitty hockey player.

I think it is time to stop comparing Vanek to Satan.

god fucking damn it

Shit goal ATL. Lets go Buff.


