OFFICIAL Buffalo Sabres Thread

ughh i wish i was in NY

atleast its been a good game but these announcers are horrible

shootout on opening night!


Damn this is a good game. The Sabres have slacked a little here and there (and Vanek doesn’t have a brain between his ears) but not bad overall!

nice fucking move




Stanley Cup Champs?!?!?! HA!!!



Hell yeah!!!

Woooooooooottttttttttt 1-0 , tis a long season though.

Not a bad way to start though!

On a side note, BLOW LEAFS BLOW!


Although I have to say, they outplayed us that game.

terrible camera work during the shootout. zooming in way too close

great game…slow start, but :tup:

good game, very very back and forth. i think the canes had the upper hand most of the game but that was the perfect ending to that game

idk i think the sabres had the upper hand… obviously PK and PP sucked in our favor… well not really PK 5 on 3 is hard to defend

ya those annoucer guys sucked big balls…they were deffintly going towards carolina side

They were all Carolina… thank god we beat them on their glory night of having the cup there and raising all 3 banners.


id say the game was more close to being 50/50, but the sabres definitely did not have the upper hand. there were close calls on both sides and miller and ward both played pretty well.

even with as many screw ups as our D had, they were still able to take carolina off the puck at the right times and never let them stomp right in on miller. overall, i think they played about as well as i expected them to in carolinas unveiling night.

i cant friggen wait until friday being in the arena. its going to be so loud, im sure.